Yikes. Nothing like opening official mail from your state informing you that your spouse can’t legally work! It sure gave me a bit of a livelihood scare. Hubs is required to get a yearly physical and get it updated with the state. Well, someone dropped the ball on that. He did his part, and his company was supposed to do the rest. I snapped a picture of the letter and messaged it to him. All is good now. He texted me back that they handled it.
Hubs is currently training another employee. He is supposed to be doing this for the next three weeks, and it comes with an awesome perk of receiving an additional $100/day on his check. That will help us immensely as Hubs took extra time off when our family came for a visit.
Yesterday I got out of work earlier than usual. I didn’t lose hours since I also started earlier than usual. Sad to say, but the day left me a bit more tired than usual. I do prefer my later start time!
The propane delivery driver showed up a couple of hours ago. Unfortunately, he didn’t have enough fuel to fill our tanks to capacity. He said he would come back with more as the order was for a complete fill. I hope the billing doesn’t get screwed up where they charge us two delivery fees. If so, I’ll be calling the company to get one removed. Given that we rent our tanks from them ($25/tank yearly fee) it’s not like they don’t know what size tanks we have. Seems like a waste of time and fuel for them to send him out without enough in his tank to fill ours.
I stepped away from this blog post to do a few other things. The propane driver returned. The two deliveries came to $1593.57. We will get mailed a final statement. Looking back to what we purchased a year ago, the cost was $1.54/gallon. We needed 850 gallons. This year the price was lower ($1.319/gallon), but we needed 1161.7 gallons. The difference is an increase of 311.7 gallons. Given the brutal winter we had last year, it didn’t surprise me that we used more fuel. I must admit, too, that by the time March rolled around, I was sick of the weather and wasn’t near as diligent about using the woodstove. I’m hoping for a much milder winter. Our new furnace should also be much more efficient than the 30-year-old one we replaced.
After work tomorrow I’m going to a neighbor’s house for dinner. They have friends visiting from another state. I plan to stop by the small grocery store I pass on my way and pick up something for dessert as my contribution to the meal. Not exactly the greatest, but the dinner invite came late today.
That would give me a scare, too. I sort of wish I lived where I could use propane tanks.
I’m just thankful he got it resolved so quickly! Personally, I wish we had natural gas…but I wouldn’t want the tradeoff of living in the city!
My heart would skip a beat to open a letter like that! Enjoy your dinner at the neighbors’ home tomorrow!
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…The Freakiest Thing That Ever Happened at Work
It gave me pause to think. Not sure what we would do if Hubs couldn’t work!
Our tank got filled up in June and was $1.15/gallon. Hopefully this lasts us until next summer now.At least your hubby’s company fixed the issue really fast. No one needs that stress. Enjoy your dinner 🙂
Thankfully, it was just a matter of faxing his cleared health form to the state. Hubs did a followup with a call to them to make sure he was good to go. You got a good buy on your propane. I’m hoping we don’t go through as much this next season. Someday we hope to become snowbirds and buying propane won’t be as much of an issue. All in good time!