Continuing to see some progress! Success is ahead!
Little by little, we are making progress with our financial goals. Thanks to M-Turk, I was able to send another $40 to our Visa card. As I’ve mentioned before, this is the credit card we are working vigorously hard at paying off so we can take full advantage of a balance transfer offer. With the pending transfer of $1500 to a zero percent card and the $40 from yesterday, the balance will be down to $2266. Although the offer is good through November 17, I would like to see this transfer happen sooner than later. Every day we delay, we are paying that much more in interest.
Still waiting on the zero percent transfer to take place. The offer said it could take 7-10 business days, so hopefully, by next week this will be complete. Again, it is all about how much this is costing us in interest. In today’s world, it makes no sense that this takes so long. I know. I’m impatient!
Yesterday I received my $25 Lowes gift card earned via Swagbucks. We are now up to $150 in gift cards, all which will be used to offset the cost of a needed snowblower. I still need to check and see how much in hotel rewards my Hubby may have earned. He has a corporate lodging card and not all hotels (The Best Western chain in particular) give both the benefit of the hotel discount along with earning points. Since we don’t pick up the tab for his hotel stays, we are just thankful for whatever rewards he does earn.
I listed 10 (yes 10!) items on eBay yesterday. It isn’t my favorite platform on which to sell, but if it makes us a little extra money, I’ll do it. I also have some Fall items I may list in a week or two. My thanks go out to Intrepid Debt Blog for the push to get these items listed.
I sent off four boxes for my side business. Right now I am mostly rolling my earnings in preparation for the upcoming holiday season as in doing so I’ll net a bigger profit. Having this business has also been extremely helpful when it comes to our tax burden as there are so many write-offs.
I cashed my check from working the elections. I netted a little over $200, which all goes into our sinking fund. Our entire marriage we’ve always struggled with our higher irregular bills during the Winter months. This year I am determined to be better prepared to handle them.
The coupons from Purina came in the mail. I wasn’t sure what they would send but figured any amount would save us a few dollars. They sent four $1 coupons. I’m good with it because that is $4 that I no longer have to spend. Every little bit helps.
I put in three hours at my very part time job. Earnings are not huge, but again, every little bit helps.
Little by little, we are making progress. With getting these interest rates lowered, I feel much more positive about our journey.
You have inspired me to check into this. I really should get at least that studio card reduced. The Credit union loan also but I think that is a locked rate. I will see. Just keep plugging along. We can do this! Where do you live that is so cold?
My thought is the worst they can say is no. These interest rates make it near impossible to get ahead. I very likely may move the one we have of 13.99% when I see an offer roll through from the one we are getting ready to transfer. A bit of a juggling game but I can see how doing so will speed up the process of getting rid of the cards for good. I am close to Canada. Another brisk morning of 42 degrees. Where are you that you are up so early reading and commenting on blogs? My excuse for being up at what is 4 AM my time is that the debt continues to weigh heavily on my mind. You know what, though. I am confident that you and I can both get rid of it! Keep fighting!
All of those little things add up into great progress! I was also very impatient when paying off my debt. It’s weird how I was able to live for years in debt, without a second thought, and then, suddenly I wanted it all paid off right then. I kinda feel that way about my mortgage now and I think daily about how I’m going to pay it off.
It is strange how our thinking changes once we decide to do this! With a mortgage yet to tackle, I think I’m in for a lot of years of thinking about debt. Still far better than remaining in debt!
Every bit *does* help, and I think listing it all out, as you did here, is great motivation. Well done!
I sell on eBay every now and then, too, and I agree – it’s not my favorite. Actually, what’s not my favorite is the part where I have to go to the Post Office and send all those packages, but I *do* like to see some extra cash roll into my account as a result. 🙂
The 76K Project recently posted…Why I’ve Ditched My Car and Walk To Work Instead
I’m keeping my eye on the prize of being debt free. Funny, but going to the post office is one of the very reasons I also don’t like selling on eBay. Might also be because our post office has very limited hours.