A lot of this and that.
Yesterday had me up early (4:30) so I could put in a few hours at my part-time job. I wanted needed to get this accomplished before heading to the city with Hubby for his appointment with the surgeon. I also needed to stop at my bookkeeper’s office to drop off info for my business. She generally devotes one day a month to my business so I had to get that to her. Given that we would pass right by her office, this saved me a couple of bucks rather than simply dropping a fat envelope off in the mail.
Hub’s appointment with the surgeon went pretty much as expected. He is scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. We won’t know how long he will need to be off until after the surgery as that will depend on the type of repair/procedure. While the ultrasound completely pointed to it being a hernia, the doctor also questioned whether it could just be a mass. Either way, intervention is necessary. The best estimate was 1-6 weeks and no lifting more than 10 pounds during that time.
While in town, we also stopped at Walmart for a new battery and anti-freeze for my Winter car. The battery was on its last leg last season and when I tried to start the car a few weeks ago, it wouldn’t budge. It was to the point that even with being on a charger, it still gave me nothing. While our weather has been unseasonably warm, I also know it won’t last. I need this car to be ready for when the snow does come and I felt better about having Hubs change it out while he could. Although I could probably figure it out, let’s just say that mechanics and I don’t mix too well. $61 later, the car should now be good to go. On a side note, for money saving, we do take the car we are not driving off our insurance (other than for theft, etc) when not in use.
Tonight we are going to have dinner and play cards with Peter and Jan, who are friends of ours that live a few doors down from us. They bought the house we had first looked at and are also transplants to the area. They called yesterday to see how Hub’s appointment went and also offered their help if we needed anything. These are the same neighbors who have generously let us use their fishing boat, although other than a couple of times, Hubs mostly went fishing with Peter. Sadly for the guys, the boat is now out of the water for the season. A joke between us has been “When is your Hubby coming home?” as Jan says that Peter often mopes around like a lost puppy when my Hubby is away at work. We are truly blessed to have made such good friends.
With Hubby now having been home longer than usual, I can really see the difference in the pantry and freezer! I am seeing the need for a grocery run to happen sooner than later. Good thing Hubs isn’t picky and doesn’t mind that we will be going back to inexpensive meals. While since on this journey to get out of debt I have watched the food budget, admittedly we did tend to have a couple of nicer meals when Hubs was home. While he is off work for his surgery and not bringing in a regular check, there will be far more “beans and rice” types of meals than usual.
It is now just past 5 AM. I think Hubs snoring has subsided and I’ll see about trying to get a little more sleep. While I truly love having him home, I think that once he is back to work, I’ll need a good month to catch back on the sleep I have lost!
Have a great day!
When you said you lived in a snow belt, I didn’t even think about cars. I guess you do need a different car for the winter!
In hindsight, we should have just traded in the car I am currently driving rather than buying a second car. Yes, we’ve done stupid more times than I can count. Sigh.
I’m sure you are glad the surgery got scheduled and will get done sooner than later. Your neighbors sound like our neighbor friends across the street. My DH mopes around until her DH is back from his 2 weeks of work and home for 2 weeks. LOL. You get way more snow then we do and we were pleasantly surprised that my car did very well in the snow last winter. Granted, they keep the roads very plowed. Should be even better this winter, with my new tires on.
OneFamily recently posted…Guessing the future
The main roads are usually pretty good. It is the almost 3 miles down our hilly private road and then our long driveway that can be the problem. We had a lot of fun with our neighbors. Truly blessed to have such good friends.
Lucy, I am so glad your hubby went in to the dr. I am sorry he will have to have surgery sooner rather than later. Hang in there. I am still pulling for you and your debt snowball, I know you will get back to it when you are through this.
Thank you, Chris. This certainly wasn’t something we could have anticipated and it will slow down our snowball for a bit. Once Hubby is back to work, we will get right back to working on getting out of debt.
I hope he isn’t the typical man when he is sick and I hope all things go well. Such a worry when you are working so hard to get out of debt.
Unfortunately (for me-Lol) he is a typical man when it comes to being sick. Unfortunately (for him-Lol) I also have 25+ years of nursing experience dealing with “typical patients”. Lol Guess we will both just need to make the best of it!
Oh wow… what an experience! And I can relate to the lack of sleep. I am just now getting caught up on the sleep I lost while I was in Missouri!
Rhitter94 recently posted…On Winning Work MVP Award
It sure was a lot easier to bounce back when we were much younger! Hope you’ve been able to catch back up on your sleep.
I’m sorry to hear about your hubby’s health issues. I hope the surgery goes well and that he heals quickly.
Thank you, Michelle. Fingers crossed that he won’t be off work for much longer.