Feedback welcome!
Ever since embarking on this journey to get debt free, personal finance blogs have become my all time favorite thing to read. From beginner blogs to the very established and well polished blogs, I never tire of reading them. To say that I follow a lot of blogs would be a gross understatement. While I don’t always necessarily agree 100% with what I read, there is usually something I can glean from each post. The key is in being open to learn from others!
Of the blogs I follow, one does a daily “What have you done to get debt free?” segment. She shares her previous day and encourages others to do the same. I no longer comment and sadly, nor does anyone else. Her blog used to be very active with comments from followers but over the past year, that has dwindled to now only seeing a very rare comment every few months. So what changed?
I think that it came down to two things. The author no longer followed up with the comments she received. Not a “that’s a good suggestion” or even “thanks for commenting”…absolutely zippo. I am certainly not a seasoned blogger, but what I do know from being a blog follower, is that people like to be acknowledged. This lack of interaction was one of the reasons I quit commenting on her blog. But for me, there was something even bigger! For being a blog about getting debt free, I no longer felt her own posts exemplified someone trying to get out of debt. Sharing how many times she and her family eats out (4-5 times a week!) even though “saving” by using a coupon, does not portray someone who desperately wants to get debt free. Yet, I continue to follow her journey! But why?
Although I may not entirely agree with the aforementioned blogger’s way of getting out of debt, her daily post makes me think about my own set of circumstances. While what she shares often leaves me shaking my head, her daily question is still valid and remains relative to me...”What have I done to get debt free?” The very question gives me pause to think about what I am doing! The reminder continues to help me stay focused!
While you may or may not agree with everything you read on A Dime at at Time, please know that I am always open to your feedback and certainly welcome and appreciate it! I am not an expert on the subject of personal finance…I am simply sharing my own journey and hope that in doing so, it serves as an encouragement to others also traveling this path. I hope perhaps, that even in some small way, it will also give you pause to think about your own journey. When it comes to getting out of debt, we are all looking to cross the same finish line. Some of us may be just learning how to walk and others may have already learned how to sprint. No matter where you are, there is always something to be learned!
Now please excuse me as I go and leave some feedback and please feel free to leave some of your own! 🙂
I would quit reading a blog where someone ate out 4-5 times each week just because she is not being realistic. If she really wanted to get out of debt, she would not be spending so much money on eating out. Did she give a reason why she ate out? She is certainly not someone who would inspire me at all.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Dehydrating Preparations
No, she seldom gives any reason. Her family just enjoys eating out. Since I rarely eat out (even when my husband is home) I have a hard time wrapping my head around going out so much while battling debt. I now treat her blog as a reminder that I need to make a daily conscience effort to keep up the good fight.
Very well written post! It irks me as well when bloggers don’t ever respond to comments too. Funny that this post has pretty good timing in my world…We all do things differently, at different speeds, and for different sets of reasons. There seems to be such an intolerance spreading among the hobbyist frugal blogging world – if you don’t follow rules “xyz” than you aren’t trying hard enough. I love how you are still reading the blog you mentioned above and trying to LEARN and apply it to your own set of circumstances. I think bloggers and commenters alike should try their best to be respectful of one another. We bloggers are more or less baring our souls and should be treated kindly with encouragement as well as constructive ideas and criticisms, wouldn’t you agree? I love your blog by the way and I am excited to follow your journey! =)
TrayceeBee recently posted…Positively Monday!
Thank you. I was a tad concerned that this post might be perceived as blog bashing, which is something I’d never want to do (hence not linking to her blog). I’m all about constructive criticism and kind words of encouragement as it can be helpful to all. It is also why I usually read most comments left for a blogger…well, unless there are a bazilion of them. lol Thanks for following my journey.
I always read blogs with the notion that everyone has a different journey and way of doing things and while you may think you know a lot about their finances/life you are really only getting a glimpse and obviously not seeing the whole picture. Everyone is different and reacts and handles things in their own way. But, yes, I agree about replying to comments. If someone takes the time to comment I try really hard to acknowledge it.
OneFamily recently posted…I’m sold!
You’re absolutely right about only getting a glimpse and never do you see the whole picture. I try and view it as “their journey is not mine and mine is not theirs.” We all have different comfort levels when it comes to managing our finances. As for comments, I’ll continue to do my best and acknowledge them all, but I’m sure some will inadvertently slip by me. I truly enjoy the interaction that comments bring between not only myself as a blogger, but also between readers.
I am just restarting my journey…..I love comments and always try to answer them 🙂
That is awesome! My motto is to never quit trying! Glad you’ve restarted your journey. Take it a day at a time and a dime at a time…eventually by doing so we will reach our goals!