Good news! I found the keys I lost back in February! Woohoo! As I have done countless times, last evening I walked our driveway in hopes of finding them and yesterday was the day. Interestingly, they were not where I expected to locate them. My best guess was that they were off in the woods someplace. On the fateful day that I lost them, I remember picking up and tossing small branches as I made my way up to my car. And that is what I thought happened with the keys. So just where were they? They were on the side of the driveway not too far from where I was parked. And other good news is that the key fob still works.
I’ve been dealing with a fair amount of family drama this past weekend. So much in fact, that I am now planning a trip. As I’ve mentioned in a few of my posts, my father is now in assisted living. Sadly, the drama stems from the need to split up 90+ years of family possessions before we relinquish his condo. While we technically have until the end of May, we want it gone by the end of April. Every month costs my dad another $500 in HOA fees. Now that the weather is decent where he lives, now is the time to get this done.
Getting back to the drama, I don’t know all that is going on, only that one sister is being a major pain in the neck. I can only hope she has not exhibited her selfish behavior in front of our father. As for myself, there are just a couple of items I would like to get. But I also made it very clear that I refuse to fight over anything. I haven’t been there to pick and choose and honestly, that has been fine by me. My brother told me he has a pile going for me consisting of things he thought I might like, plus other things designated to go to me. The word “pile” is what scares me!
Anyhow, I do feel the need to make this trip, not so much for the “pile” but to help my brother (and other siblings ~ minus the drama queen!) wrap things up. For me, this means coordinating with the Hubs as I need him home for our elderly dogs. I am also going to need to rent a vehicle as there is no way our summer vehicle can get down our road right now. Once I know Hub’s itinerary, I’ll schedule that so he can pick the rental up from the airport. I’m trying to coordinate it so he can also return it when he heads back out. That’ll save me two trips to the airport.
I’m not sure what this will cost us, but if need be, we can pull money from our savings. For all but one night, I’ll be staying with family so that will help. The other night will be free at a Best Western. There was a timely promotion going on where Hub’s earned a free night, not convertible to points which we always cash out for gift cards. We had until May to use the voucher, so no better time.
And so our journey continues.
I just don’t understand people’s selfishness. Are a few items really worth fighting over? I’m like you, not worth it. Sorry you are having to deal with the sister and her drama. I don’t know why people have to make their lives so difficult. When they were cleaning FIL’s house out, DH just said, no thanks, there is nothing I need or want. I’ve got too much of my own stuff I’ve got to start figuring out how to get rid of!
I don’t get it either. LIfe is just far too short to act that way. And also, at this point, we are all well established. What could any of us possibly even need? My hunch is that after our father passes away, we will likely never hear from her again. Right now, she is only sticking around for what she might. Sad way to live life.
When my mom passed in 2000 in VA we had to rent a box truck to haul a bunch of stuff back to PA. I really didn’t want anything except a few pieces of jewelry and all the family photos(I’m the family archivist it seems lolz)plus the things mom bequest to my Hubs and my kids. But no, we hauled a FULL box truck back to PA. I felt I had to do this because both of my brothers are hoarders and had I left any of it, they would have kept it. This way I hauled it home and took most of it directly to Salvation Army saving the both of them from themselves. 😉
Good luck on your trip to deal with the distribution of family “stuff”.
How crazy but you did your brothers a favor, even if they didn’t realize it. Fortunately, I’ll be limited to what I can take back in a car because I am NOT renting a van! Lol
I remember the DRAMA between my mom and her sisters when my grandparents died. My one aunt was crazy. I told my sisters if they ever pull that crap I will never talk to them again.Good Luck.
I never thought we’d be dealing with this type of drama. My grandmother had always said she’d rather see everything burn up in a fire than to have her kids fight over her stuff. You know what, that is exactly what happened! My mom and her siblings never even had a chance to argue. My mom felt the same way. I know she’d be anything but happy with the way my sister is acting. To me, it is only stuff. In 30 or 40 years none of it will matter anyway. I have far better “things” waiting for me in Heaven.
Hopefully your sisters never put you through this kind of nonsense!
I guess that is the PLUS side to having nothing to do with your family – I don’t have to deal with ANY of that!!! Hopefully your dad doesn’t have any clue how your sister is behaving – that would be the worst part!! I can’t believe your key fob still works after being in the snow – that is amazing!!!!!
Consider yourself blessed! Sad how just one sibling can make so many others miserable. And no kidding about the key fob still working. I was so surprised it did!