I’m tired of the cold weather and want to push our debt payment along.
February has always been a difficult month for me. By this time of the year, I am over any love of winter (not that I had all that much for it to begin with) and am eager to see it come to an end. This morning our temperature was -13, and we barely made it into the double digits. I guess I should try and look on the bright side as at least it was sunny today. But I just wish it wasn’t so darn cold! Okay, whining over…for now!
Another reason I’m eager to see the month move along is we are waiting on the refund from our escrow account. Our previous lender has 20 business to return it to us, and we are now on day number four. And yes, I am counting! Hubs would tell me I am impatient and with that, he would be 100% correct. In my defense, the refund will knock out two of our smallest debts, so it only makes sense that I’m eager to get our refund. I know, it will get here when it gets here. Sigh.
Better weather will also make going to see family easier. I would like to visit my son, DIL and grandbaby again, but primarily need to see my elderly father. I have an older Winter car that I don’t feel comfortable driving it such a distance. My Summer car is newer and has far fewer miles but does terrible in the snow which is why we park it for the Winter. I am also my father’s medical POA, and there are a few things I need to handle in person. Although he currently lives independently, my siblings and I are all noticing his mind is slipping more. I’d like to have my ducks in a row should/when I need to step in. If it were a matter of genuine urgency, I would rent a car and make the trip. For now, though, I am waiting for better weather. And better weather is coming, right?!
On another topic, I’m not sure how many hours I will get with my side hustle of caring for the preemie. I had two short days with the kiddo last week, and they went well. My hunch is that they are not quite ready to leave their baby alone with someone else just yet. As a nurse, I’ve taken care of enough special needs children to see the pattern. While they want to take this step, when it comes right down to actually taking it, they struggle. I don’t judge as I would likely feel the same way if I were in their shoes. I just let them know to call me when/if they were ready for a break and left it at that.
Today I did manage to get an extra 6 hours in at the office. We will be busy for another ten days or so, and then it will slow down again for a few months. During the slow down, I will try and pick up as many hours as I can by covering for the office manager. While I don’t know everything she does, I do at least know enough to keep the office up and running when she needs time off.
Payday for me is Thursday this week. I get paid bi-monthly and rarely is it ever on the same days. Good thing Hubs and I don’t live paycheck to paycheck! For the most part, my checks are used to cover what we budget for our envelopes, and whatever is leftover stays the bank for another month. With our income often being feast or famine, doing it this way works out well for us. Since Hubs is currently away, I held off on refilling the envelopes for the month. I plan on accomplish doing so with my check this week. What can I say? It’s the little things that excite me. Lol
If you’ve managed to stay awake and read this far, I commend you! There are times my life seems rather dull that I even have trouble staying awake! Lol
How are you holding up this time of year? For those of you in warmer climates, I don’t want to hear about it…just kidding!
Oh dear, I was complaining about the weather this morning, and it’s nothing like yours. It was 23 when I woke up. I’ve really got to STOP whining!
Our latest heating bill was 50 dollars less than we expected, so 50 dollars extra goes toward debt, yay! No, your life isn’t boring at all. It’s a sunny read even on a chilly day.:-)
I’ll trade you! 23 sounds like a heatwave. Lol Woohoo on the lower heating bill. Way to tell the extra money where to go!
That is cold. We had some very cold below zero temps last winter, but nothing below the 20’s this winter, so far. I expected our heating bill to be less, as we’ve also been keeping our heat down lower than last year and wearing sweaters and sweatshirts. DH even puts his long underwear on. But, last months bill was same as last year :/
OneFamily recently posted…Odds and Ends
Glad to hear that someone is experiencing a warmer winter! Hopefully, you will see the decrease in heating use on your next bill. I’m trying not to think about how much extra propane we’ve gone through this season.
We’ve had an above average Winter in the sub zero temps department but a below average in the snow amounts so far.
I am ready for Spring and a lower electric bill. ugh.
I’m with you on being more than ready for Spring!
I’m in Florida and I am definitely ready for Spring too! It has been much colder here than normal. I can’t wait for your previous lender to refund your escrow, you will be able to do so much with that money.
I could use a vacation to Florida right now! Lol. I’ll keep everyone posted when the check comes. Two debts will be eliminated!
WOW… that will be great Lucy!
Rhitter recently posted…On POETS Day – 02/09/2018
My sister who lives in Florida said the same thing about their weather. It has been colder than usual.
Rhitter recently posted…On POETS Day – 02/09/2018