Yesterday I wrote about us being unable to get in touch with who I refer to as “The good SIL” regarding what was going on with MIL’s house/estate. Hubs managed to get in touch with one of her children and gave Hubs the cell number for SIL’s husband. The nephew said his mother often has trouble navigating her phones. (One Family One Income, does this sound familiar?) I’m not sure why we didn’t have brother-in-law’s cell number in our contacts. I guess we’ve always just connected with him via their landline. Anyhow, the good SIL is fine. Technology is not her strong point. She didn’t see/hear the messages on her cell or house phone. And here’s a funny story about that.
Earlier, while I was talking with Hubs, a call from the good SIL came through. I merged the call so all three of us could talk together. I then joked about all of us getting so much more tech-savvy. Not so fast. SIL then told me she wasn’t calling me and was surprised that Hubs and I were on the phone. She was trying to figure things out with her cell phone by calling her landline—a good chuckle to start our day.
As for the tree falling in/on MIL’s house, all she knew was that the tree company needed a crane to remove it from the roof. SIL did have an excellent suggestion: to have Hub’s and my son go over and take some pictures. He has a key to the house, so he can also check for interior damage. Aside from wanting photos of any damage, SIL also wanted interior pictures to see what other furniture may have been removed from the home. Per the attorney hired by Hubs and SIL, they can appoint anyone they choose to access the house. Having our son go over and survey the situation makes far more sense than good SIL or Hubs (would have ultimately fallen on me) to go check it out. It would be easier if Hubs and good SIL could trust nasty SIL regarding these house matters. Our son said he would go over on his way home from work. It should take him less than 15 minutes.
Out of frustration of no progress getting MIL’s estate settled, Hubs called the attorney. In a nutshell, the attorney has done zero in the last month. Inexcusable, but on the bright side, we didn’t get a bill for December. Supposedly, the attorney will reach out to nasty SIL’s attorney today. Good SIL said she would give a follow-up call to the attorney later this afternoon. Hmm, given her “phone issues,” we will see how well that works out. Lol
For today’s “Too Much Stuff” Challenge, I removed a stoneware pitcher that came with our house. I found this in our seldom-used cabinet above our fridge. I’ll be picking through that cabinet over the next several days. Why do we hold on to stuff we don’t use? 73 more items to go!
Speaking of challenges, are any of you doing any money-saving challenges this year? I tend to fall off the wagon with these types of challenges, but it might be fun to at least try one again.
Hi Lucy. I am not doing any specific money saving challenges yet this year, but would be open to it. Hubby is retiring in 2.5 years and my general challenge is stuff like fully funding Roth’s and putting most of the recent raise he got to bump up the 401k. Will be interested to see what you decide, maybe I will do too.
Fully funding your Roth’s is a very good goal! 2.5 years isn’t far off!
It’s so hard when family and property, inheritance, etc. is not amicable. I guess I don’t recall all the details of nasty SIL, but my husband has an uncle that has made life horrible for his wife, and her whole family over a shared property that he is technically not even an owner of since he is not blood relation.
It has been a nightmare. Receiving an inheritance should be a blessing, and nasty SIL is making it anything but that. That is terrible about your husband’s uncle. I just don’t understand why some people are like that. I think greed likely plays a huge part. I would never choose money over family, which is what this nasty SIL is doing. Sad to live life that way.