Hubs will be coming home for Thanksgiving! We just received the word yesterday! I don’t know all the details yet, other than I’ll need to pick him up at the airport Wednesday evening. Hopefully, he will be home until Monday morning. Given that he had been home for an entire month, we weren’t sure if his company would approve him coming back so soon afterward. We also live in such a remote location that flights are super expensive, even more so during the holidays. So now I need to start planning!
Since we have no family where we live, it will likely be just the Hubs and me. I may, however, see what our friends who live a few doors down from us are doing as they also do not have family nearby. If anything, perhaps get together for dessert and to play cards. I can’t say that I’ve seen any great deals on the usual holiday fixings, but I will still get what we need. The good thing about Thanksgiving dinner is that there are usually a lot of leftovers which will help stretch the budget.
When Hubs and I were first married, we would alternate going between his family and mine. Those years are long since gone with family members having either passed away or moved away. I always remember a highlight of the day was looking at the Thanksgiving ads. With kids to buy for, this was a huge deal! Those were the days before having all the early sales deals that are so prevalent (not to mention overwhelming!) today. At times I can’t but help miss those days, but I also know we are now making new memories. Hands down, Hubs is still the #1 person with whom I want to share the holiday.
On a side note, I am also very thankful that I can stay home today! We had a mix of snow and freezing rain during the night. My living room windows are sheets of ice. Can’t see a thing through them. It is a good day to stay off the roads!
How are your plans coming for Thanksgiving? Are you going anywhere, or planning on a big gathering? Hard to believe that we are only one week away from the big day!
Yay, glad you’ll get to see your husband on Thanksgiving! I agree, one’s loving spouse is the BEST person to celebrate Thanksgiving with! Our celebration will be relaxing and low key this year, just the two of us.
Sounds like you will have a perfect day!
Our oldest son won’t be home for Turkey day(he is finishing his Master’s degree that weekend online)but out other two kids will be here, as will my BIL and Nephew so 6 for dinner. Everything but the turkey is bought and I am still sorting out the dishware and putting it away in the dining room. I’ll start cooking on Wednesday and do as much ahead as I can. I’ll utilize all 3 crock pots too…..large oval one for stuffing, med. black one for taters and med. green one for rutabaga.
I hope you have a nice day with your Hubs!
Sluggy recently posted…The Turkey Dilemna
Too bad your oldest son can’t be with you, but at least it is for a very valid reason! Good for him for furthering his education! I’m all for doing as much ahead as possible. Much more enjoyable to spend the time with family rather than cooking! Enjoy showing off your fancy new hutch!
That is great news your DH gets to come home! It will just be me and DH this year, since DD and her BF have decided to come for Christmas this year. DH did invite our neighbor guy from our old neighborhood, but I’m sure he won’t come. He used to spend Thanksgiving dinner with us, so we still invite him 🙂 In our early years, we used to switch off years with my family and DH’s family, too. Maybe when we get to our new house, we’ll see about spending it with our neighbor friends there. I think all of their kids live out of state (I’m not certain of that) so it may be that we will invite them/vice versa some years.
OneFamily recently posted…Trying not to spend extra
Sounds like you have a similar situation. While we might not be spending the holidays with family, friends can be family, too!
So happy you will have him home for the holiday.
Thank you!
Yay! Just us for T-Day as well. I’m think grilled steak Brussel sprouts and sweet potatoes and to find a low/no sugar pie to make and we will watch football and Longmire. I can’t remember when we had 4 days in a row to spend together!
Your dinner plans make my mouth water!