Off to a bit of a rocky restart, but our journey continues.
Monday was a day of mixed emotions with Hubs having returned to work after being home for a month. While I hated to see him leave, I also felt eager to resume the journey to financial peace we embarked upon 11 months ago. This past month has been one of feeling we had hit the pause button, and now with Hubs back to work, I feel we have again hit play.
To an extent, I lost a bit of my focus the last few weeks. I didn’t go off the deep end with spending since with money being extremely tight, there was no chance of that happening. My loss of focus was more in the area of earning more (M-Turks and Swagbucks) and not paying quite as much attention to things like our electric bill. When I’m home alone, I am far more diligent about keeping lights turned off, using drying racks opposed to using the dryer, unplugging chargers, etc.
After seeing Hubs off on Monday, I spent time working my business. Things are getting much busier, which also helps with the income side of things. I love the new software (did a free trial) and do feel it is well worth the monthly expense.
Hubs received a call earlier this week regarding the disability pay. After a few more questions, they are going to push for the doctor to backdate it to when Hubs first met with the surgeon. Given that Hubs travels for a living, it isn’t like he could have left for a few days just to turn around and return for his surgery. I know better than to count on this happening, but at least whoever is handling the claim said they would see what they could do.
On Tuesday I worked the last five hours of the elections. I also agreed to stay afterward to help break it down, for which I received an additional two hours of pay. It is usually pretty easy work, but my back has been giving me some trouble, so I was relieved when the night ended.
Yesterday morning I cashed in on a free visit to a doctor and made it a multi-purpose visit. Last month I had received a letter informing me that the PA I had been seeing had moved to another area of practice. I hate it when that happens. I had been in need of a refill on my thyroid medication which understandably the other PA in the office wouldn’t refill without first seeing me. For my back pain, I received an injection of Torodol and was told to come back for some “bonus” lab work. As for the visit being free, with Hub’s surgery, we have reached our max out of pocket. I guess if you look hard enough, there is always a silver lining to most everything.
Today it was back to the city for lab work. That will also be covered 100% as were the two prescriptions I picked up. Based on how tired I’ve been (and we won’t talk about the weight gain), my hunch is my thyroid levels are way off. The Torodol helped slightly with my back pain, so hopefully, it was just muscle strain. Getting older sucks!
To end on a more positive note, I have been offered more hours at my part-time job. I’ll be starting with some additional training later this month. I have been a bit back and forth regarding this position as I never felt quite qualified. I know their original hope when I hired on two years ago was for me to take over for their current office manager who is in her 80s. And yes, they were aware that my degree is in nursing and not in business administration. I guess they must have been pretty desperate when they hired me. Lol I’m not entirely sure what they want now, but I do know they need more help in the office, and we could definitely use the money. I’ll know more in a few weeks.
Meanwhile, our journey continues.
Glad you husband was able to go back to work. It’s okay that you don’t feel totally qualified for the job position because ANYBODY they hire has to have in-house training of some sort plus a learning curve up front. You’ll be great!
You are so right! I also keep reminding myself that I had never been a camp registrar (my seasonal job) and somehow I’ve managed to wing that for the past two seasons. The camp was truly desperate plus I was able to fill in as their nurse which is another hard-to-fill position.
Isn’t it wonderful to get back in to a “normal” routine? We had hoped Chris would be headed back to Houston this week but now there is a problem at the site and he isn’t needed right now. So we sit….and wait…and have no income, as the savings dwindles as I can only pay for so much with my paycheck.
I’m sorry you are still waiting. Chris has been off much longer than my Hubby was so I truly feel for you. Hopefully he will get back to work very soon.
I love your persistence! Digging out of debt is hard work. You guys are doing great.
The 76K Project recently posted…Sometimes, You Can’t Just Walk Out.
Thanks. You are so right about it being hard work! I know there are a lot of us “older” folks digging out of debt. We will get there!
I am anxious to see how we make it through the Holidays. So glad hubs is back to work!
I am too…on both accounts!
Praise the Lord your husband has returned to work. It must have been very stressful. BTW, even Dave Ramsey would tell you it was okay to hit pause. Now that he has returned to work, time to hit play and go forward. This was only a hiccup. You’ve got this. I know you do!
Rhitter94 recently posted…On Wandering into Debt and Marching Out of Debt
Amen sister! God is good!