There isn’t a lot going on right now here at A Dime at a Time, so I will focus on a few highlights of the past week.
The biggie, of course, was seeing The Beast with a ZERO (yippee!) balance! I’m still waiting for the $3,500 we sent to our car loan to post. The credit union where we have that loan has long been a thorn in my side as it seems to take them forever to process transactions. I’m beyond eager to dump that debt and close the account. Earlier this year we cut our mortgage tie with them by refinancing (different bank, lower rate, lower term). We are getting closer to ditching them!
Today we received a letter in the mail regarding the refund for our canceled insurance for our travel trailer. We will be getting back $480. Why they couldn’t just enclose the check along with the letter is beyond me. Oh well. When it does arrive, it will all go towards paying off the car. That check alone will reduce that debt by almost a third!
Our electric bill was almost $25 lower than last month’s bill. I’m sure this has to do in part with turning off the dehumidifier. With the furnace going on periodically, which is mostly when I’m not home to maintain our woodstove, the basement is drier. Tradeoffs of the various seasons!
I had a mammogram done on Monday. I am thankful for the negative results! It was my first experience with 3D mammography. Other than that it took a few seconds longer, the test itself was no different. My mom had breast cancer twice, so I always breathe a sigh of relief when all is said and done.
I feel like I am experiencing some positives from using a “happy light.” Our weather has been dark and dreary for weeks now, and it was getting to me. My hunch is I am experiencing a touch of SAD (seasonal affective disorder), and I’m hoping this new light does the trick to combat it. Whether it be mind-over-matter, if it works (pardon the pun) I’ll be happy! I also bought at a good time as I see the price has increased. I only paid $34 for the light. Not an affiliate, but here is a link to the light I purchased.
Our snow tires are now on our winter car. We purchased Blizzaks, which although pricey, rate very well. We live in a snow belt, so tires matter! The tires ($737 gulp) were also cash flowed.
While I wouldn’t necessarily call it a highlight, we had our second snowfall of the season. A light dusting that doesn’t seem to want to melt, or at least not as of this writing. Since my last snow picture was the lakeside of our property, today’s photo is of the backside. Somehow I feel like it is going to be a long winter. Sigh.
“Highlights,” I like your feature image.:-) Yay for the upcoming insurance refund and the negative mammogram. I have never had a 3D mammogram, but I keep seeing ads for it, so I reckon I will sooner or later.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…4th Quarter Goals!
Thanks. Coming up with a feature image isn’t my strong point! Very little difference with the mammogram itself. My hunch is that eventually, these will become the standard.
You have had a very good week!!! I would KILL for some winter weather – it is still in the 80’s here 🙁 On the plus side, we took money out of every place I could find and we PAID OFF THE IRS!!!!! That stupid, stinky, worthless Obamacare will never haunt us again!!!!!
Thanks! We keep plugging along. You, however, have done an awesome job with paying off the IRS. I know that debt was a thorn in your side. As for your thoughts on Obamacare, I couldn’t agree more! While it helped some people, in turn, it harmed far more. 🙁
Seeing those zeros on a paid off debt is exhilarating!! The only thing more amazing is throwing a chunk of cash at another debt! You are doing so well on this debt payoff journey!! It’s hot here in Florida (and still hurricane season), I would love some cooler weather.
Yes, it is! I’m eager to get the car paid off and move to the next one! I pray you are staying safe there in Florida. Such devastation. 🙁
Good for you on the debt reduction! We are having our first snowfall here today. My 3D mammogram did not pick up my second bout with breast cancer 2 years ago. The tumor was too close to the chest wall and not visible on the mammogram. So self-exams are very important ladies!
Sorry for the late reply. Not sure why, but your comment ended up in spam. 🙁 That is very scary about your mammogram not picking up the tumor. I agree, even with mammograms, self-exams need to be done monthly. Prayers for complete recovery.
We had to turn on our furnace this week. I don’t want to see any of that white stuff! Congrats on the pay off! What a great feeling!
terry recently posted…My $1000 Mistake
Sad day when you need to turn on the heat for the first time of the season. I’m very excited about our progress! Cannot wait to pay it all off!
Wow you have a lot of cashflow went on this past week! Still positive things are happening. You are doing so well and I envy you with the winter weather! Also, congratulations on paying off your debt! Good job!
Iya from Kingdom Talents recently posted…Listening To The Voice | Prophetic Perspectives
Thank you and thank you also for taking the time to comment.