Avoiding strangulation.
“So, what do you think this lump on my side might be?” And so our day began. After several days at home, Hubs was ready to head back to work again, but that all changed with his question. After I took a look, he wasn’t going anywhere except to urgent care. Seeing a primary physician would have been my first choice for him, but since he doesn’t have one (a topic for another day), urgent care it was.
Hubs had all the classic signs of a hernia. The visit to urgent care was followed by going to the hospital for an ultrasound. Just as I suspected, it was indeed a hernia. Even though I like to say I am retired from nursing, the knowledge remains. Good thing, since Hub’s answer was to take care of it later. Not a smart thing to do since a hernia won’t magically go away on its own.
This morning we are waiting for business hours to call the general surgeon Hubs was referred to. While thankfully the hernia isn’t large, it does need to be evaluated. Should it become strangulated, there could be far worse problems to deal with. Hub’s father had one that nearly killed him.
How will this affect the budget? Quite frankly, I don’t care! Health before debt! Thankfully our insurance is decent, or at least it is far better than what we had when I broke my ankle two years ago. At that time, we did have to pay some up front and the rest went on an interest-free payment plan. With yesterday’s visit and diagnostics, they didn’t ask for any payment upfront.
As for the rest of our bills while we get through this, we will focus on paying minimums. Any snowflake money will be saved for paying bills. Hubs does have disability pay which although not a lot, would help some too.
On a completely different note, we did accomplish a lot while Hubs was home. More on that later.
Oh dear, so sorry to hear about his hernia! Tell him to take care. Yes, the budget will be affected, but only temporarily, and not by much since you are watching your dollars and cents.
Thanks, Priscilla. He has an appointment for Thursday, so until then, I will make sure he does just that!
Oh no! Glad you were on top of it and made him have it checked out. Hopefully he’ll be all fixed up soon.
OneFamily recently posted…Weekend update
Thanks! I really wish he would take better care of himself.
Lucy, I am so glad you made him go in and hope things go well.
Thanks, Chris. The next thing I’ll be pushing for is a complete physical. I cannot remember the last time he had one of those. Sigh.
Men! Whatcha gonna do? I hope it’s not a bad hernia but stay on top of him about this.
And be thankful you’ve had 9+ months of debt repayment under your belt(and got those 0% refinances)before this came up.
Sluggy recently posted…This Week on the Dining Table
Isn’t that the truth! I often think when it comes to health, they are their own worst enemy! I am VERY thankful we have those 9 months of debt behind us and just a few days ago, we completed our last balance transfer! Woohoo! Even with paying the minimum, at least the balances are going down!
Best wishes and happy thoughts to you and DH.
Thank you, Patti. Is your hubby back to work yet?