Today the office in which I work received word that the 80+-year-old secretary had passed away earlier this morning. As sad as the news was, it didn’t come as a huge surprise. I had visited with her twice since she retired, and I could sense that she had given up. Work was her life. Although receiving a terminal diagnosis of cancer is the reason she retired, I don’t feel that is what took her. It was knowing she would never again return to the office.
Funny how a person’s mind becomes flooded with memories upon learning someone has passed on. Today as I sat at my friend’s (and now my) desk, I found myself in a flurry of emotion. I am thankful not only for her patience in mentoring me but also for the friend she became. She made work fun! My friend was also very spirited in her political convictions, thankfully views of which I too share. Oh, the conversations we had! While work and life will go on, I am thankful to have been blessed with her friendship.
On a much happier note, our driveway repair cost is going to be $462 less than we expected. It turns out we don’t need both the gravel and recycled asphalt. The quote listed both so we could decide which option we wanted. The asphalt is more expensive, but in the long run will hold up better, so that is what we are going to use. Here are some pictures of our current situation. I wish I could capture it better, but at least this will give you a better idea. The first picture is looking down the driveway. I didn’t walk all the way up on account of the pesky deer flies, but as you can see, it is steep. The plan is for the three culverts to drain into the woods on the right~we don’t need any extra water heading to our house! The second picture is looking up the driveway.
I still need to write a post on where our debts stand. At the speed I’m going, I think I’ll be doing good to write it by the middle of the month! No worries, even without an official update, I remain determined to see this through.
I’m so sorry to hear your friend died. It sounds like she was a terrific person.
462 dollars less, that’s nothing to sneeze at!
She truly was. As for the savings, I will happily take it!
Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear the news about your friend.
It always feels so great when things come in under budget!!!
Thanks! I was pleasantly surprised as it usually doesn’t work out this way!
I’m sorry about your friend. We are getting quotes to have our driveway done in September. It will be interesting.
Thanks! Keep us posted about your driveway. Such an unexciting way to spend money, but sometimes it can’t be avoided.
I’m sorry about your friend. It sounds like she was able to do what she loved (working!) as long as she could. Take care.
OneFamily recently posted…I’m tired of bad news
Thank you. She was extremely dedicated to her work although I can’t (and don’t want to!) imagine working that long!
I am so sorry – no matter when it happens, even when you are expecting it, it is always hard to love a friend and/or loved one. Hoping she is at peace now and busy helping people 🙂
Ummm…..that was supposed to be LOSE 🙂
Haha. I figured that is what you meant. I have no doubt that she is in Heaven doing what she did best.
Sorry for your loss, I know she appreciated your friendship as much as you appreciated hers.
Thanks. We were quite a team!
Very sorry about your loss, considering the fact that she mentored you for the position that you hold now. But spirited person she was, she seemed to have lived live on her own terms.
Happy for you to have acted smart and saved a good amount. Now if you are vigilant of any cracks that may emerge, make it a point to get it repaired immediately, this way you will save a lot of money and enhance the life your driveway.
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