Frugality continues, but for now, I’m again going it solo.
No, Hubby hasn’t jumped ship with our goal of getting out of debt. He has, however, returned to work and after a week of keeping it frugal together, I suppose I am feeling a bit of a frugal letdown…if there even such a thing! It reminds me a little of the aftermath of Christmas when all the excitement is over. Hubby and I spent his entire home time focusing on keeping our budget in check while also making the most of our time together. Strange as it might sound, it was a near perfect week! While much like the unwrapped gifts at Christmas, the frugal remains but much of the fun and excitement of it is now over with Hubby back to work.
As for now going it solo, I know I’m not really alone. Hubby and I have frequent communication and are always comparing notes. We remain a solid team even when we are apart. While admittedly I prefer my Hubby to be home, his departure isn’t my first rodeo. Having a husband who travels for a living, it is probably a good thing that I am more of an independent type. I keep busy taking care of our home and pets. I have my jobs and my business. I am involved with church activities. I am blessed to have friends nearby. I also have my blog readers who cling to my every word. Okay, the clinging to my every word might be stretching it a bit! A girl can dream!
This new feeling of frugal let down does make me wonder how I’ll feel when all of our debts are paid off. No worries, I don’t wonder enough to want to stay in debt! I’m hoping it will be a feeling of looking forward to the next holiday, albeit the next one will be even better as it will involve advancing to baby step 3 of the Dave Ramsey plan. That step is building a fully funded emergency fund. Woo hoo! How exciting is that to look forward to attacking?!
For now, I will work on overcoming this feeling by continuing to focus on the frugal. There are things that I do tend to put on the back burner when Hubby is home. Things like reading. I especially enjoy anything financial, which is such a good motivator! I had also let my online earnings from sites like Swagbucks slide a bit. I need to remind myself that when digging out of debt, every dime does count!
Have you ever experienced a frugal letdown? If so, what did you do to overcome the feeling?
I’m just now getting caught up on my blog reading! I wish DH could still work and I could go solo once in awhile haha! Our neighbor wife across the street goes solo for 2 weeks and then her hubby is home for 2 weeks. I thought my Dh was going to make a trip back to where we used to live for this past weekend, but he changed his mind since he’d been feeling so crummy from that cholesterol med. Just as well, saved us gas money.
I feel frugal let downs when I try so hard and then something happens to just wipe out all the work I did to save. But I try to remind myself that look where I’d be if I hadn’t been frugal!
OneFamily recently posted…Metal detecting
I won’t deny it; there are some perks to going it solo from time to time! Hopefully, your Hubby will start to feel better on his meds and will be able to take his trip…and give you a break! Lol
I think the frugal let downs you are describing are some of the worst! When that happens, I think like you do in that things could have been far worse if not for frugality.
My wife and I are on baby steps 4, 5, 6, and 7 and it’s amazing how much less stressful it is than when we were working on baby step 2 and 3. You might wonder what it feels like, but I promise it’s worth getting there. We’re much more relaxed and don’t have to worry about our finances as much as we did before. I’m excited for when you and your husband are at that point as well!
Someone who understands the stress! Congrats on getting past steps 1,2, and 3! I can’t wait until we are offering others the same encouragement you gave me. It is greatly appreciated.