But this doesn’t deter me!
It isn’t looking favorably that I will meet the goals I set for March. While naturally I would have preferred to have met them, in no way do I feel deterred. Some of them were set with the probability of not even coming close. My mindset is always to aim high, which motivates me to strive for more. So how did I do? These were the goals I set along with my progress.
- $200 more in our emergency fund-Accomplished and then some!
- Earn $75 from Swagbucks-Accomplished!
- Reduce the debt we are snowballing by at least $1,000-This one will be very close! Will have the numbers next week.
- Earn $25 from eBay sales-Nope. Didn’t list a thing.
- $500 net from my part time job-Fail. Things were beyond slow. Thankfully things are looking up for April.
- Continue using cash for day-to-day expenses-Easy peasy. I now have a great disdain for plastic-even our debit card!
I’m a firm believer in the need to set goals, accomplished or not, as they give you something to aim for. I also feel that they don’t always show the entire picture. Despite our best efforts of achieving them, life happens. In our case March brought over $300 in unexpected vet bills. We also managed to do some rearranging of our financial seasons to better distribute our heavy Winter bills. Come next year, this will help immensely. I look back over this past month and feel that we have done well. We didn’t add a dime to our debt and that in and of itself if a huge accomplishment for us! We are continuing to make progress in our war against debt…a dime at a time!
Did you set any goals for March? Were you able to check any of them off? A brand new month is just around the corner…no time like the present to set some new goals!
I get down when targets aren’t met but then someone points out the progress that was made. You have many steps towards your goals already behind you.
Always better to focus on the positive! Progress (no matter how small) is still progress!
Is it March already?!!? lolz
Sluggy recently posted…Frugal Friday
Where did it go, huh?! I needed more time to accomplish these goals! lol
Congratulations as you pay down your debt. I hope it goes quickly.
Thank you! I wish the same for you!
Lucy, forward progress is ALWAYS a success. You did great!!! Unexpecteds will happen – just keep moving forward and keep the enthusiasm!
Progress is progress! I remain fired up to tackle next month! Now to set some goals!
I think you did great towards your March goals!
Thanks Anita!. My motto…progress is still progress!
$75 in one month for Swagbucks is just something I cannot figure out, no matter what! I’ve even tried just letting the video’s run. They are slow and freeze up constantly. I think even if I let them run for 24 hours the most I’d probably earn in a month from that is $30. I earn a few each day from the daily to do list and occasionally (maybe twice a week) I hit on some from a search. I never/rarely qualify for a survey. I actually qualified for one yesterday. Got through to the end where I click on “submit’ to earn my 50 swagbucks and the screen just kind of went into a continuous loop and I never did get credit. I was a bit mad.
Today, I’m trying to do the Swago board. I downloaded the mobile app, and visited the stores on the board. Got credited for all but Best Buy. I’ve tried 4 times and can’t get the credit for it. You are my Swagbucks idol 🙂
Most of the points I earn is from linking though it for online shopping, but even that added in doesn’t get me anywhere near $75 for one month. I might earn that all year from Swagbucks LOL!
OneFamily recently posted…Marriage and Money
Thank you! I earn mostly from the videos which I run in the background as I do other things. Very rarely do I bother with the surveys for the same reason as you. It is hit or miss to even qualify, let alone have them credit.
Earning $25 on SWagbuck’s is not easy. Congrats! Every little bit helps.
And it looks like you did well on most of the other goals too. I imagine having concrete monthly goals helps to keep the motivation going. Something I should probably try.
I’m sure my Swagbucks earnings will decrease significantly once I’m working my seasonal job again. I also tend to earn more in the Winter/early Spring months as our weather keeps me indoors a lot more.
Having written goals can make a huge difference. Gives you something to reach for. One of my favorite quotes by Zig Ziglar is “If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” So much truth to that quote!
Nice work on your goals! It takes time to transition from plastic to cash but, oh, so worth it!
Thank you! It really is making a big difference!