Never hurts to ask!
There are times I honestly think this blog is more about my pets than getting out of debt. Here I am, yet again, writing about one of our fur babies. For those not too familiar, we have two senior dogs and one senior cat. Earlier this year one of our dogs made it through yet another rough patch. Albeit after a few visits to our vet. Two weeks ago we had both dogs seen for their annual updates and preventative medications. $350 later, I had hoped they would be good to go.
Today I had the same dog who pulled through that rough patch back to the vet. It was for a recheck of a chronic ear infection and a recheck of some weird thing he has going on with his eye. The ear looked great but the eye, not so much. He will need to have the growth removed at an approximate cost of $180. It is likely cancerous, so ignoring it isn’t a good option.
Before anyone comments that we should just put the dog down, please understand that he has been part of our family for 14 years. Our vet fully knows how I feel about no heroics, but this is a relatively simple procedure. Letting nature take its course (by watching what the growth does) would be far crueler as these growths can spread rapidly. Surgery will be on Friday. Thankfully it is outpatient, so no overnight boarding.
Along with scheduling the surgery, I had to pay today’s bill. Rechecks are usually $15, so when asked for $45 I questioned the amount. Not only that, but the visit was barely 5 minutes. I’m all for paying what is due, but that was far more than I expected. With that, the receptionist went back and asked the vet about the additional charge. She came back and told me there would be no charge for the visit! Much better! I’m sure the vet will “make up for it” with Friday’s surgery. Still, I said to thank the vet, and I will make a point to thank him personally the next time I see him.
I’m not entirely sure if the vet took pity on me given all the expenses we have had with our fur babies lately, or he was just feeling generous today. What I do know is that it is always a good thing to let your vet understand your limits and feelings regarding all aspects of care. And of equal importance, if the bill is higher than anticipated, don’t hesitate to question the amount!
I think for $180 I would have the eye fixed too. That seems pretty reasonable for surgery type procedure. Hope all goes well for your pooch. Good job on questioning how much the re-check bill was supposed to be. I have a question into our HR about our eye exam coverage. If I am reading our benefits right, I might have $25 coming back to me. Every little bit helps.
OneFamily recently posted…Grumpy
I didn’t think it was too bad of a price. Pet care is rarely cheap. Hope you get your $25 back. You are right in that every little bit helps!
I think for $180 I would have they eye surgery also, especially if it is a good chance of fixing things. When pets get older you have more things to weigh. This seems reasonable to me. We feel the same as you with no heroics.
I didn’t think it was too bad. His eye looks so much better so I feel it was money well spent.
I hear you. I love my dog to bits and money is not a factor when you’re in the moment. It is interesting though, now i’m not in the moment what do you think is the less of two major expenses? Do you pay for dog insurance up front year in year out and get covered or do you just go with the flow and take your chances?.
Given a chance to do it over, I’d get the insurance! With the chronic health issues that my dog has had, it would have paid for itself many times over. Our other dog has had a few issues, but nothing compared to his brother. I’m sure others might disagree and say it is a waste of money. I now view it much like other insurance. You hope never to need to use it, but it sure is nice having it if the need ever does arise.
i tend to agree…Insurance up front for me as well. Lets just hope it’s not needed.
I’ve heard so many different opinions on pet health insurance, but with all the vet visits my pets have had, the insurance would have been well worth it.
I m sorry you pup is feeling bad, I hope all goes well!
I finally buckled down and got the insurance for all 3 furbabies. Tori is 10 and starting to need more care so she got the special plan. . Ryder is 3 and got the cheap plan, and the cat whose 6 got the cheap plan as well.
With visits being 45.00 a shot I can feel better bringing them in more often if something is amiss (like Ryder’s gums bleeding because he decided to try and chew bark of a tree) or last weekend Tori had her knee looked at because she wouldn’t use it up the stairs.
So for 100.00/mo for all three policies I feel better if something comes up. Not to mention their dental is already covered at 350.00 per critter so there is 1/3 of the years payments.
I’m sure having the plan will pay off. With three pets (and one aging!), vet visits are inevitable. Hope Tori is feeling better.