Still searching…sigh.
No, I am not still searching for a provider, my provider can’t seem to find service and make a connection. Grr. As I mentioned in a previous post, I made the switch (not by choice) to another phone provider. In trying to be frugal, I went with Walmart’s Straight Service. BIG mistake.
I have had this phone less than three weeks, and this last week it has spent more time searching for a connection than it has being connected. Of course, it is now past the 14 days I had to return it. Double grr.
Today I was again on the phone with them. It is for reasons like this that we still have a house phone. Took me three reps to find one I could finally understand. Nothing against foreigners, but at this point, I think being a foreigner must be a condition of employment with Straight Talk. Native English speaking individuals need not apply sort of thing.
Today I went through same steps. Shut off the phone, turn it back on. Take out the SIM card, reinsert the SIM card. Reboot the phone, still no luck. After 1.25 hours on the phone (no exaggeration), they are sending me a new SIM card, which I should receive in 2-3 business days. Great. No phone until then. Tripple grr. As a bonus, I’ll need to call them yet again when it is received. Any bets as to how many reps I’ll go through then before finding one who can at least pretend to speak English?
Yes, I am frustrated! Not only am I now without a phone when out and about, but this also costs me money as I use my phone for my side business. I know I should feel optimistic that a new SIM card will solve the issues, but at this point, I feel anything but that. No doubt, reading the complaints on Straight Talks Facebook page hasn’t helped my outlook either.
I am not holding my breath as to how this will all end. Having already spent the money on the phone, I don’t need (or want) another paperweight. Our budget also doesn’t need to take another hit by switching companies. I guess right now I’ll just need to wait and see. One thing I do know is that when my Hubby needs a new phone, it won’t be via Straight Talk. While I can survive (I think!) without a cell phone for a few days, he truly cannot be without cell service. Guess I can say this was a lesson learned!
In the meantime, I appreciate having this opportunity to vent my experience and my frustration! Buyer beware, indeed!
Oh, I’m so sorry to hear! You poor thing, no wonder you needed to rant a bit. My fingers are crossed for you that the new SIM card will solve everything!
Regarding customer service, I’ve had a similar experience with a lawn company. When our contract is up in 2 more months, we will NOT renew which is too bad. They have done a great job with things that are too big/heavy for me, and the hands-on workers have been knowledgeable and friendly, but their TELEPHONE CUSTOMER SERVICE PROCESS STINKS! So I totally get your frustration. Totally. Totally!
I really hope it does, too. That is terrible that your lawn company has had equally poor customer service. With all the companies out there wanting business, you’d think good customer service should be a priority.
I recently had to switch because I could not get a signal at our property and where our new home will be. I asked around and those with Verizon could get a signal and actually send messages and receive calls. So, I wanted to go verizon, but I did not want to pay Verizon’s prices. I found out ONLY PagePlus operates on the Verizon network. So far, it is not earth shattering, but I do have a signal most everywhere. I did get the 4G LTE. It is $40 a month unlimited. Service has been good – weird to get it started, but I was able to work through it. It took about a week to get my number transferred – that was the worst part.
You do have to buy the phones, but I have found it pays off vs. going through the actual company in about 8 months. We used to use Republic, so we are comfortable with what I call the piggy back companies.
Sorry you have had to go to through all that! So frustrating!
I really dislike anything with a contract, hence going to Straight Talk. My husband has Republic, which for the most part, works out great, except in our direct area. While he can make/take calls and text, data is hit or miss. I’ve never heard of Page Plus. I’ll have to look into that.
I use Singular Cellular and am very happy with the service. I bought a Samsung phone from them for $150 and also bought one for my husband a year later. Our bill is $48/month for both of us. We live in Minneapolis, though, and I don’t know if your location would present problems for their service. (I believe you are more rural?)
We are very rural, so not much does work around us. This Straight Talk was supposed to work off (I believe) Verizon, which was what I had with my other phone. With all the technology out there, this shouldn’t be so difficult!
Straight Talk is an MVNO that resells Sprint, T Mobile, AT&T and Verizon. When you bought your phone did you check and make sure you got a phone that uses Verizon network? It used to be that the phone box would have the Verizon red coverage map on it. Also the phone model for Verizon used to be CDMA -V instead of GSM-A for AT&T. Not sure if they are still identified that way; but it is important to know that which phone you buy will determine the network.
The box no longer has any of that info on it. 🙁 I do have friends that use AT&T without any issues at my house. I’ve just heard that Verizon has overall better coverage. The problem must be with their service since when I was in Walmart last weekend (with WiFi) the phone continued to search. After several minutes, it then did join the network.
It does seem reasonable to me that a level of fluency in the language of operation be a job requirement! I have a great deal of respect for people who live and work in a language that isn’t their native tongue but the reality is that if you can’t communicate you can’t do the job.
Usually, I don’t have too much of a problem understanding what they are saying, but yesterday’s experience was beyond bad! I’m guessing they know the phrase “Can you repeat that please?” very well!
If you used a cc to purchase the phone, just take it to customer service along with the cc and no receipt. They do refund after 14 days at WM. There is a that I know nothing about. Good luck.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Ball Jar Salad Hack
Take box and all information back, too.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Ball Jar Salad Hack
Interestingly, I spoke with a friend yesterday about my troubles. A few months ago they went through the same thing, only they returned the phone within the 14 days. Straight Talk continued to charge their cc and they are still battling that mess and have since reported it to the BBB.
No coverage with in my area. I love living so remote, except when it comes to things like technology. 🙁
What a pain! Maybe try taking it back to Walmart anyway and see if they will take it back. We just decided to stick with Verizon, as they seemed to have good coverage here in our new rural area. I know I’m paying more, but it’s worth it to not have any issues and have coverage just about everywhere we go.
OneFamily recently posted…On to Tuesday
I likely may end up doing just that. At the very least, if the new SIM card doesn’t work, I’ll be speaking with a manager at Walmart. There certainly is a lot of truth in “you get what you pay for”. You were smart to save yourself the aggravation!
Sorry to hear about your troubles. I currently have Verizon and have a shared plan, but that will be ending when I relocate to live near my daughter. It is the one line item in my budget that is expensive but necessary as it is my main mode of communication with my family. Also due to that I can’t use my company WiFi – I have an unlimited data plan so that I can listen to my podcasts or stream music while I am working, or during long road trips.
Rhitter94 recently posted…On Making a Written Budget
This is one time I shouldn’t have been quite so frugal. When it comes to things like this, you do get what you pay for.