Today I felt like the new kid on the block.
Today was my first official day of training at what has been my very part-time job. Funny but even though I have worked in this office for over two years, I felt a bit like a newbie. I think I’ll be fine once I learn all the ins and outs of the different programs. Jobs are hard to come by in our remote area, so I am thankful for the opportunity to learn. In a larger area, most companies would want someone with a degree in business administration. Here, well, while jobs are hard to come by, apparently so are employees. Lol While the position doesn’t pay super well it isn’t too far off from what nurses earn in our area. Nurses here are grossly underpaid for the responsibilities they have.
As for hours, this is yet to be completely determined. Certain times of the year are busier than others so the hours will fluctuate. I have actually manned the office a few times entirely by myself (scary, I know!) and just took messages if I couldn’t answer the question. I guess this goes to show that they really would have hired pretty much anyone! I also know the office manager has vacation hours she needs to use up before the end of the year, so there could be additional hours for me there as well.
One thing Hubs and I discussed briefly this morning regarding my increase in hours is retirement. We have gone against Dave Ramsey’s advice in that we still contribute. For those not familiar, he says to stop all retirement while paying off non-mortgage debt. We went back and forth on this, but ultimately, couldn’t pull the trigger when it came right down to putting our contributions on hold. Since I’ll be earning a little more with the extra hours, we are thinking about slightly increasing my contribution. How much we decide is something we will need to think about.
Speaking of Hubs, he has had a very long day of traveling. He needed to be at the airport at ten this morning and is currently waiting to board yet another plane for the last leg of his journey. By the time I see him, he will have spent over 12 hours flying or sitting around in airports. Can’t say as I envy him, but I sure will be happy to see him.
I hope everyone has a very blessed Thanksgiving tomorrow. Hubs and I will be spending the day at home, just us and our critters. My kind of day! 🙂
Good luck on your new duties. I’m sure you’ll continue to do great. Hope you and Hubs have a blessed Thanksgiving!
Thank you! I hope you and your Hubby also have a great day!
So, if they hired you they must be desperate? Don’t sell yourself short. I know people with a MA who cannot think their way out of a paper bag. Congratulations!
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Wednesday: Pooped
Thank you! I am looking forward to the challenge!
They are lucky to have you! We will be having the same relaxing day at home as you and Hubs.
Thank you, Patti! Enjoy your day with your Hubby!
Hey extra money is always good. They are lucky to get you.
You got that right…at least as for the money part. The rest is yet to be determined. Lol