Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise.
We’ve all heard that old saying attributed to Benjamin Franklin. If that were true, I ought to have a whole lot more Benjamins in my bank account! As for the healthy and wise part, well, I do try to work on the health part, and since they say that wisdom comes with age, I’m getting there too. Lol
During the early years of my nursing career, I worked third shift in a nursing home. It wasn’t at all uncommon for several of our elderly patients to be awake at 3 or 4 in the morning. Lately, I find myself doing the exact same thing. Ugh! As frustrating as this is, I am learning not to fight it. Rather than watch the minutes tick away on the clock, I get up and *try* and do something productive. On those nights, I’ll get up until I feel tired again to go back to bed for a couple more hours and then “restart” my day midmorning. I am very fortunate that I do have a lot of flexibility with my jobs and side hustles. Hubs often tells me that I’d have a difficult time working a job that required me to work regular hours. He is probably right!
Speaking of work, I did get two extra hours yesterday. I had initially planned on working today but then just stayed later and combined those hours with what I usually do. Not only did this save on gas, but today I’m also avoiding some crappy driving. We are currently getting rain which will make the snow-covered roads super slippery. Additionally, today is opening day of gun season for hunters, which for me, is yet another reason just to stay home!
Yesterday I was talking to a close friend regarding the state of our finances. To an extent, I was also voicing some frustration over feeling like we’ve been treading water for the past few months. Between the car repairs, buying a snowblower (a real need!), Hub’s surgery, and now also looking at a roof repair (replacement?), I feel like much of our progress hit a wall. In trying to remain positive, I continue to remind myself that we’ve stayed afloat, and our bills remain current. While we also took on a new medical bill (still waiting on the final number), it was necessary, and at least it is interest-free. My friend having herself been through many financial setbacks reminded me that it takes time to bounce back, and it won’t happen with just one paycheck. As always, she is right.
Looking at the calendar, we have six checks remaining this year. November’s will cover December’s mortgage payment and the minimums on several of our other bills. Although Hub’s check will be for a full two weeks, it will also be reduced to cover two weeks of benefits from his “no check payday.” Fingers crossed that our finances will level off in next month and we can get fully back on track in January. No matter what, I have a fresh, brand new budget binder that I’m eager to crack open! And that, my friends, is something to look forward to!
It sounds like you have a wonderful friend you talk things over with. I’m sure you treasure her very much. I have a few like that. They make the treading water days (months) easier to bear.
BTW, I like your blog template. I’m thinking of changing mine, so that means I’m really noticing how many attractive templates are out there!
She certainly keeps me from overthinking things! As for the blog template, I got it via my daughter! She was kind enough to set everything up for me.
remember that the hub’s was a necessity, the snow blower is a one time expense, done, the roof a one time expense done. Car repairs well… but once a one time expense is paid for it is paid for. Move on. You ave a roof over your head, clothes to wear, food to eat, people who love you and me rooting for you you will be alright.
You are so right on all accounts. We really are blessed and eventually, we will see the end at the light of the tunnel.
early to bed and early to rise I should be all 3 too, LOL. Not so much, haha. When I can’t fall back asleep (not very often) I just try to imagine an event and just go through it step by step and it usually puts me back to sleep. It’s nice you have a friend you can talk about finances with.
OneFamily recently posted…wallets, apples and fences
Knowing myself, I’d overthink the event making it even harder to fall back to sleep! Lol
I live in the South and get little snow or ice. I just stay home when we get it.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…More Bulbs: Food and Flowers
I don’t much like driving in it, but with as much as we get, I can’t avoid it. I guess there are tradeoffs to every area of the country.
I think you are kicking butt on your debt payoff journey. These are normal (but frustrating)expenses that pop-up and you are able to weather them because you are working on putting your finances in order. You are making wonderful progress!
Thank you, Michelle. I think I have lost my patience! Ever since committing to do this, I want it gone NOW! We didn’t dig ourselves into this hole overnight and I know it will take time to dig ourselves out of it.
It is so hard to be patient but your fortunate to have such a wonderful friend. We are still holding our head up as we go into week 10 of hubs being home and not getting a paycheck, now it looks like next week is a wash because why go back to TX in a holiday week. I can’t remember that last time we spent a holiday together. Thankfully he did his OSHA training while sitting here and can bill for those hours as every little bit will help.
I commend you for being able to manage for so many weeks with only your paycheck. Hubs being off for just one month was a real eye-opener for us. I’m glad he will at least be able to bill for the training. Like you said, every bit helps! Enjoy your holiday together!
Hi, Lucy! This is a great post! I`m sure that you will be back on track as you planned, just with a little patience. I know it`s easier said than done, but eventually, your friend is right- you can bounce back as fast as you (well, all of us) want. I was wondering, what would be your number one advice for people when it comes to saving some money or getting a side job?
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Thanks for your support! I think my number one advice for saving money would be to make it automatic. We have a set amount that gets transferred from our checking to our savings each week. I view it as a bill that is on auto pay. As for side jobs, my advice would be to think outside the box and be willing to learn something new. You never know where a part-time gig may lead you!