I will be productive, I will be productive, I will be productive!
Oh yes I will! After a day like yesterday, I need to get moving and do something productive today. There was nothing particularly wrong with yesterday, I think it was just a combination of a lot of little things. I hadn’t slept well, I knew I had to be up and dressed early as the guy that delivers our wood is usually at our house by 7:00 AM (I’m up at that hour, but not usually quite ready for the day), our elderly dog had to see the vet and the weather was gloomy, cold and snowy. Today is a new day, I slept well, the sun is shining and although still cold (single digits) I am already feeling much more positive and motivated!
Yesterday’s slump made me think about our debt. In all honestly, I’m always thinking about it. I just got to thinking about it in a more analytical way. Hmm, is that even possible? I’m sure some people would tell me not to think about it so much, but I feel that by “letting” it have such a constant presence, it helps me from doing things such as making an unplanned (and non-budgeted) swing through the drive-thru. While I may not always feel 100% motivated to do something about our debt, at least by continuing to pay attention, I didn’t add to it or spend any unnecessary money. I know there are times when a little leniency is needed in the budget (life doesn’t always go as planned), but yesterday just wasn’t one of those days.
Today is a new day and I will be productive! I was able to send $25 (thanks to Swagbucks) to the debt we are currently snowballing. Small amount, but still $25 less we now owe. I have a small shipment to send off for my business and later this afternoon I’ll put in a few hours at my part time job. Providing it warms up a little, I may even stack some of that enormous pile of wood that was delivered yesterday.
It is okay to have those occasional days of not feeling like doing much when it comes to paying off debt. We all have them from time to time. The important thing is to not let those days inadvertently get in the way of the goal of getting debt free. Productive or not, remain focused on that ultimate goal and do not give up!
Hi. I agree. Never give up. You’ll get there.
I looked over your blog to see if you have a listing of just how much debt you are exactly in.
Did I miss it?
cindi recently posted…You’ll Pop For This Popcorn!
Thank you! Now that we have a plan, I am very confident we will get there. As for your question as to how much debt we are tackling…I did divulge it, but “hid” it within a post titled Random Ramblings, published 1/17. To save you the trouble of looking for it, we started out with 55K+ in debt. I’ve debated whether or not to go ahead and put this under the progress tab. I like transparency but eek, that would really be putting it out there! Then again, it could also serve as encouragement to others which is really what this blog is all about! Thanks for your comment and observation.
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
You’ll get there!
You have the guts and the determination which is 90% of what is needed to accomplish your goal.
Hang in there.
cindi recently posted…You’ll Pop For This Popcorn!
We may have created a mess, but I know we can clean it up. Perseverance!
Baby steps! One day at a time; one step at a time. That’s what I reminded myself when I was paying off my credit card debt. Embrace the ups and downs of the journey and keep your eyes on the prize. A lot of cliche statements, but they work. 🙂
Willow @ miter saws and mary janes recently posted…How to Sell Stuff for Extra Money–Quickly and Easily!
Thank you so much for your words of encouragement! They mean a lot!