I survived the snowstorm but am still digging my way out. Adding to the 20+ inches that fell was a lot of blowing and drifting. Our snowblower had a mishap in that I hit a downed branch causing it to lock up. Unfortunately, I hadn’t gotten very far with the clearing when this happened. I wasn’t able to dislodge the branch, so Hubs will try when he gets home. If he can’t, thankfully the warranty does cover this sort of thing. Getting someone to come out and plow was a no go. Ugh! So, this means I’m spending a couple of days digging my way out the old-fashioned way.
The picture on this post was taken during the storm and shows a small part of our driveway. Can’t see it? Nor can I, but it is there! Lol The hill is the primary reason I couldn’t get someone out. No one wants to come down it. Chickens! Memo to self: Next big storm, leave the car parked at the end of the driveway.
So other than grumbling about the snow, what else have I been doing since being stuck at home? Several things including listening to endless Dave Ramsey podcasts, reading, scrutinizing our budget and even earning some money via M-Turks. I hit the next milestone of over 1000 HITS which is offering me some higher paid tasks. I’ve averaged a little over $20/day since being stuck at home. Guess that is still better than spending $20/day! I also plan on requesting vacation time to cover the time I’m missing at work this week, not that this is my idea of a vacation!
As for digging out of debt, yesterday I again went into the uncomfortable zone and made a $250 payment to The Beast (aka Discover) and a minimum amount of $105 to another credit card. I like to pay these bills as soon as I can as a late payment can not only cause additional charges but also potentially mess with the promo rate. I don’t want to take any chances! Tomorrow the Beast will be getting the $50 that was deposited into our account from M-Turks today. For those not familiar, requesters have 30 days to pay for HITS (tasks) before Amazon auto approves them. Right now I have 37 of these tasks still unpaid. As they trickle in, I request my payout from Amazon and then send it to The Beast. Every dime counts when digging out of debt!
The sky is dark right now, but there are sunny days are coming. I’ll head back outside later this afternoon for an hour or so. Digging my way out is not fun, but much like our debt, I’ll get out eventually!
Yeah, digging out can’t be fun, but hey, it’s good aerobic exercise without the cost of a gym membership.:-) I’m spoiled because I live in Virginia now, but I grew up in Alaska, so I honestly do understand what you’re going through! Hang in there!
And yay for the extra M-Turks money.:-)
Free can be good! I’ve always wanted to go to Alaska. Looks like a beautiful state.
I can’t even imagine – I haven’t lived anywhere that it snowed since I was very young so obviously never had to deal with it (except getting into one of those snowsuits like Ralphie’s little brother in A Christmas Story) – I don’t think I would do too well driving in that kind of condition – glad you get to stay home a couple days and can at least make some money!!!!
I often think we are crazy for living where we do. By this time of the year, I’m a little tired of seeing snow. Ready for warmer weather!
Hope it all melts quickly! $20 a day in M-Turks is awesome. I’ve been lucky to do that a week lately. I didn’t know that about the 1000 mark. I’m halfway there LOL.
OneFamily recently posted…It’s sorta like Friday
It is melting! It reached 45 in the sun. I’ll take it! Keep chipping away at those M-Turks. Honestly, some days I’m more motivated than others. I’ve been keeping a tally of how much I’ve submitted each day and that has helped motivate me.
See you are making money that you didn’t count on. The beast will be gone before you know it. Sorry you have more snow. I’m done with it for the year, I hope.
I keep telling myself it all adds up! As for the snow, I REALLY hope this is the last of it for us too!
With everyone’s nasty weather, I’m VERY concerned about what our summer is going to hold for us…..I can’t handle 110 days anymore!!!
No way could I handle that kind of heat. While the cold is never great, when it comes a choice between heat and cold, I’d take the cold. There are only so many layers of clothing I can take off and still be legal. Lol
That is a lot of snow. I am so glad I don’t have to see snow for more than a morning or two a year.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Food Score
Tell me about it! At this time of the year, we are all sick of it!