Why I am taking my crown and my money elsewhere.
Has Walmart completely lost sight of who it is that keeps them in business? In the highly unlikely chance that one of their higher-ups may be reading this (hey, you never know!), let me offer a clue: it is the customers! Fortunately, at least for the majority of us, we are in control of where we spend our hard-earned money. And after yet another horrendous experience in Wally World (aka, Walmart), I’ll be spending mine elsewhere!
Perhaps it was my fault. I should have know better than to go shopping at The Mighty Walmart two days before Thanksgiving. But being the giant that they are, a quick check of their sales metrics should have easily alerted them that I (along with what seemed like a million other people), would soon be coming to grace their not-so-shiny aisles.
No, I was not asking them to roll out the red carpet for my arrival. I’ve even long since gotten over no longer being greeted as I walk through the door. So much for my aspiration of Hubs and I becoming Walmart greeters in our senior years. Sigh. Their loss, as we would have made quite the team.
My experience yesterday was once again less than stellar. Sadly, this seems to be more of the norm. Amongst several things, were poorly stocked shelves. Okay, I get that merchandise moves quickly, especially leading up to a major holiday such as Thanksgiving. But, this is not something new. And finding a store employee to help? Good luck with that!
Being price conscientious as I am, another thing I was acutely aware of was the overall increase in their prices. It wasn’t on just one or two things, but on several items I routinely purchase. Hmm, perhaps they have indeed lost customers and now want to make up the difference from those of us who have remained.
Checking out was yet another delight. Not! A few months ago Walmart decreased the number of regular checkout lanes and now primarily offers those self-checkout lanes. While these checkouts might be okay if you only have a handful of items, I will not use them when I have a cart full! So what did they have open during this mass exodus of customers? Two lanes, one of which conveniently was for customers with 20 items or less. Again, the lack of customer service shone through as it quickly became evident that they were not going to budge by opening more lanes.
Tempted as I was at that point to leave my cartful of groceries, I stood my ground in refusing to use the self-checkout. As I waited my turn, I couldn’t help but overhear the complaints of numerous other irritated customers. I probably should have brought a chair as additionally, I also heard the complete life stories of two others waiting in line and even got invited to a Christmas party by yet another! Interestingly, the consensus regarding Walmart was the same. Customer service no longer exists.
Had I not needed that cartful of groceries, I probably would have walked out. Having already wasted so much time, I didn’t relish the thought of loading up another cart full in another store. Given the length of time I spent waiting to checkout, it may very well have been quicker to have done so. After what seemed like an eternity, it was finally my turn at the checkout. Making small talk, the cashier pointed out some features of Walmart’s app. The one that I wasn’t aware of is the ability to help you locate items. Hmm, I wonder if it could help me find some customer service? Lucky for me I already know the addresses of several other grocery stores!
I’m not sure what is going on with Walmart these days, and I know I’m not the only one. Go check out what fellow blogger One Family has to say about their online pricing strategy. What I do know is that I can, and will, take my money (and my crown!) elsewhere. Despite what Walmart seems to think, the customer is still king, and I don’t need an app to tell me that! 👑
Are you (or were you) a Walmart shopper? Have you noticed the changes? What are your thoughts?
I despise the self check out at Walmart! I park my car, find what I am looking for because customer service is hard to find, I refuse to use self checkout! I had not noticed the prices going p but I am sure they have. We have several Kwik Trips in my area and they will open up a 2nd or 3rd register as soon as 2 or more customers are waiting for checkout! Walmart could learn as lot from Kwik Trip!
Opening more lanes is an example of true customer service. Sadly, I see that Walmart has lost sight of that. 🙁
I try to avoid wal mart especially at the first of the month. I also hate, hate, hate that they never have enough check lanes open. I refuse to use any self check out as they never work right. I am there to be served not to serve myself.
Another reason I won’t use those self-checkout lanes is to avoid being accused of not scanning an item. I hear this is happening more and more.
I agree with your post 100%. Same experience here in Iowa with my Walmart stores. If I have to check out my own items I want lower prices or discounts. Crazy to pay more now for doing their work. with self check out, every other item seems to require someone to come over and scan their card to get past the error. We need more competitors to walmart,
I agree! Cutting their customer service should mean we see lower prices. Too bad Walmart doesn’t see it that way. I really think they are cutting their own throat with these changes. I’ll gladly pay a few pennies more not to deal with the aggravation.
Not a fan either and IF I have to go (they carry one or 2 things I love that I can’t get anywhere else) I run in on my way to work and its early enough that no one else is around.But I refuse to use self check as well. If that was my only option, I would leave my cart and walk out
Good for you! Those self-checkout lanes are a thorn in my side and I am in total agreement about not caving in and using them!
I used to to self check out when I had a few items (at my old Walmart) but usually because that store would either have self check out open or the less than 20 line open, but never both at the same time and they were on opposite ends. So if you had a few items you either waited in a few super long lines or used self checkout. Their overall customer service has really gone down the past year it seems to me.
OneFamily recently posted…Getting in the Christmas spirit
Don’t you hate it when they do that with the lanes? Sad that they no longer seem to care about their customers.
Same lack of CS can be found at many large stores. Yesterday I had to go to the local Dollar General(aka the Sad Store by me)and the cashier could barely communicate with me because her “friends” was standing next to me at the register and they were discussing her getting another job somewhere else(a warehouse situation). I felt like saying before I departed, “You’d better take that other job since you have no skill set for dealing with the public/customers”. Sooo tempted….lololz
Sluggy recently posted…Giveaway Winner!
Pathetic was has become of customer service. I would have loved to have seen the expression on her face had you said that to her! Lol
I only shop at a Walmart for a few select items. When I go, Ingo early (e.g. 8am Saturday morning), pick up eaxactly what I need and check out. The store isn’t busy, I can find a stocker to help reach items and check out is quick as the line is short. Try shopping early. I have also noticed prices are going up so I am not sure how much longer I will shop there. It is much more pleasant at Target or Publix.
Going early is no doubt the smart thing to do. I agree with other stores being far more pleasant. Last night I stopped at our local store for a couple of items, and even though they were super busy, I was in and out in less than 15 minutes. It was worth spending a little extra not to deal with the aggravation of Walmart.
Here in California, I will only use Walmart for an oilchange. However, in the midwest, they are the major store chain for groceries.
Rhitter94 recently posted…On Bringing Back POETS Day
IMO, I think they have too big of a monopoly in the midwest!
Wal-Mart’s one of the places I try to avoid because they treat their workers poorly. I miss Public – employee-owned places have the best service, in my experience, but they’re not in the area I live now.
Sad they don’t treat their employees any better. I’d rather shop at a family-owned business anyday rather than support a corporation who seems to only care about their bottom line.