Yesterday we received the endorsed check back from our mortgage company for our collapsed deck. Also in the mail was a separate package wanting a whole list of items. It was things like the contractor’s license, signed contracts, a release of lien, intent to complete work, etc. I was a bit miffed as none of this was discussed during my previous calls with the bank. So, time to call them again.
Good news. The rep told me all that paperwork is auto-generated and to ignore everything in the packet. As far as the bank is concerned, there is nothing more we need to do – not even a statement of completion of the repair. I wrote everything down (including the rep’s name) and put it in my files. With the rep stating the claim is closed on their end, I should feel more confident with the information received. Then again, I also know it’s always good to have notes…just in case!
As for the $13,700 check, I wasted no time getting it into the bank. $3,000 of it went to pay for the $5,500 contractor’s certificate I put on my Discover. As for the remainder, I waited to see what Hubs wanted to do. I thought for sure that for the time being, he would want to hold onto it. I couldn’t have been more wrong! Without hesitation, he said to pay off the furnace! And here I thought it was me who was most annoyed by this particular debt!
Until the deck repair is complete, we won’t do anything else with the remainder of the money. I haven’t heard anything more regarding a time-line but plan on reaching out to the contractor again tomorrow. I hate to stereotype, but contractors and communication, well, let’s say communication doesn’t seem to be one of their strengths. The other company that gave us a bid never even bothered to follow-up with us.
Anyhow, we can now focus on paying off the Visa. I’m hoping we can make a significant dent on our own and not need to use much of the leftover funds from the deck. Sure would be an awesome kickstart for Baby Step Three.
We have a busy week ahead of us with ten extra people around. Our big splurge is renting a pontoon boat for an entire day. We also plan on going to see some free sites, including some waterfalls. Kayaking will be another free activity I’m sure we will be doing a lot of. And also can’t forget about the new throne for our bathroom! Haha!
Phew, I’m glad it was auto-generated paperwork that you can ignore. Enjoy pontooning and kayaking!
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It was certainly good news on our end. I’m not one for making claims, but this deck turned out to be a blessing in disguise. The weather looks good for the upcoming week. Should be lots of fun for everyone.
Have a great time.
Thanks! It will be fun having everyone over!
I know you are relieved. Now, the deck work can proceed.
It is a relief to know the money is there to fix it. I’m also eager to hear what my kids (the ones who are super handy with building/remodeling) think about it. I know if they lived closer, they’d fix it for us and save us even more $.
NIce! enjoy your kids and company time 🙂