$1,500. What does that amount mean to me? It is the approximate amount that will remain on our smallest debt after making our April $700ish snowball.
I was thinking quite a bit about this amount today. While $1,500 is a lot of money, it isn’t really a lot of money. Does that even make any sense? My mind then kept going over different scenarios of just how and where I could come up with that $1,500 without using our emergency fund or Hub’s irregular checks (which cover the lion share of our bills) or borrowing from somewhere/someone else? Could I do it? More importantly, what is there to stop me from doing so?
Zero! Zilch! Zippo! A self-imposed challenge accepted! I can do this!
As my mind kept thinking, I realize I am already off to a good start. With our April envelopes already fully funded and $675 saved towards May’s, right there I’m in an excellent position to accomplishing this challenge. $650 is all that is needed yet for May. What this means is that I can apply anything above that amount to the $1,500. Barring any unforeseen circumstances, this challenge is sounding more doable with each passing thought!
Yes, for April I am upping my game. I want to see another debt gone!
So now it’s your turn! I realize we all have different situations, but I challenge you to up your game! It might not be $1,500 but how about an extra $50 (which by the way is less than $2 a day!) or even $100, or…? I guess what I’m saying is that just because your snowball is usually X amount, it doesn’t mean that is all you should strive to do. Trust me; I’ve been at this long enough to realize that some months will be better than others. Still, I want to encourage everyone to keep pushing hard. We CAN do this…A Dime at a Time!
So, how much extra will you push to pay off (or save) in April?
I accept your challenge and will payoff the last 2550.00 of debt. It’ll make for a lean month but I am tired of looking at that line item in the budget.
Some places that will be cut…..
I won’t renew 2 of the critter wellness plans. We are moving again in the fall (more on that another day) and where we are headed doesn’t have Petsmart so the plans will be moot
Eat from the freezer (again the move and I am not moving 100 lbs of meat)
No books…even if they are 1.99
Vacation cash – 50.00 period
LOVE IT! Every sacrifice will be so worth it! Where there is a will, there is a way!
Between lowering the electric usage and rounding up my Payment plan amount, my electric/gas bill is only 4.00 this month. Lets add 100.00 to the debt payoff kitty
Snoopy dance! When April is all said and done, we will need to add up how much we all collectively paid off! I love hearing about debt going down!
I’m also accept your challenge – I am going to try to make up the $550 I just had to pay to get my rings fixed. Even though we paid cash, it was money that I was going to add to our savings account – I WANT THAT MONEY BACK IN SAVINGS!!!! It’s going to be a challenge, but I’m going to try!!!!
Woohoo! Happy to have you join in! You can do it!
I already had my first snowball!!!! Dh got reimbursed from work for $18 parking in San Francisco….only $532 to go, lol
I accept your challenge! And since I like round numbers, I’m going to say $1000 extra. It makes me a little nervous typing that, so it’s a good thing I like beans n rice.:-)
Yah! I believe there is something to be said for putting it in writing. Hmm, how many ways can one prepare beans and rice?
Mmmm… well, my budget is absolutely stretched thin. So for me it will be a no-spend month. Only for groceries and gas. No extras!!
Rhitter recently posted…On What Would You Do?
I’m going to encourage you to look for snowballs! Even a few extra dollars towards debt is less you’ll have to pay later.
Or maybe you’ll find a quarter in a parking lot – THAT COUNTS as a snowball!!!
Yes, it does!
Great job. You can do it. We are currently cash flowing my son’s college expenses. We have been doing Dave Ramsey’s plan for 5 years. We are trying to save as much for college because our youngest is a junior in high school so we will soon have double payments. We refuse to take out student loans so we will get it done. You can read our journey here: https://mcoia.blogspot.com/2018/03/why-i-love-dave-ramsey.html
Thank you. I’ll also be checking out your blog. Dave is also who has inspired our journey to get out of debt! His plan works!