So far no sign of the Joneses!
Personal Finance blogging is an interesting neighborhood. Being fairly new, I’m just getting to know some of my neighbors. So far I am happy to say that I really like them all! My neighbors seem to remember exactly what it was like to be the newbie in town and have welcomed me into the community with open arms. Many of my neighbors have been around for a long time and I appreciate their words of encouragement. Some of my neighbors have super fancy homes, others have more humble abodes and yet others are simply happy to have places to visit to share tidbits of their own journeys. When it comes to going to their blogging homes for a visit, no matter what their status, I feel a true sense of caring. Despite my age and heavy bags, they keep cheering me on. My neighbors all seem to understand me, as they have at one time or another carried similar baggage. [Read more…]