Hubs has come and gone. I picked him up on Sunday. His rig was having some major issues (like always), so he dropped it off at the dealership near the city. I sure am thankful we aren’t responsible for all the repair bills. [Read more…]
Navigating life and finances
By: Lucy4 Comments
Hubs has come and gone. I picked him up on Sunday. His rig was having some major issues (like always), so he dropped it off at the dealership near the city. I sure am thankful we aren’t responsible for all the repair bills. [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
Things come in threes, or so the saying goes. I’m not sure I always believe that saying, but yesterday felt like it! [Read more…]
By: Lucy6 Comments
The drama of my MIL’s estate continues. Today we received an email from “our” (Hub’s and good SIL) attorney. In essence, it said that the ball is now in the hands of the attorney for the nasty SIL. It also noted that nasty SIL had replied to her attorney, who now needs to discuss the division of assets. Hmm, from what we’ve read in the trust, the division isn’t up to any one person. If the siblings can’t reach an agreement, they are to take turns choosing items. But it gets better… [Read more…]
By: Lucy6 Comments
Thankfully, last night was a decent night of sleep, or at least when it comes to my world with RLS, it was. I managed about five hours before waking up. I got up for a few minutes, added wood to the woodstove, and then went back to bed. Although my legs were acting up, I was able to fall back to sleep without the help of extra medication. That is a win for me! [Read more…]
By: Lucycomment
Today’s post is super short. I’ve had a couple of rough nights with my RLS. Well, no night is easy; some are just far worse than others. Anyhow…
We received about six inches of heavy wet snow today. I spent a solid three hours outside snow blowing and still have more to do. Tomorrow, I’ll shovel off the decks and then shovel the trail leading to the workshop. This winter has been a snowy one, that’s for sure! It would be $50 each time to have our driveway plowed, and I’d still need to shovel the other areas. It can be a lot of work to keep up with, but it sure does save us a lot of money doing it ourselves.
Hubs still has his little passenger riding with him in his rig. Six traps and still no mouse! There is no way I could sleep in his truck knowing a mouse is running around. Eww.
I turned on my electric blanket, and my bed should be toasty warm. I’m calling it a night!
By: Lucycomment
Well, today was supposed to be the day to say goodbye to our elderly cat. It didn’t happen. We couldn’t do it. I removed the throw rug she peed on (it will go out with the trash) and put a spare litter box we had in place of the rug. While I’m not thrilled to have a litter box in our spare bedroom, the cat has been using it. [Read more…]
By: Lucy18 Comments
Today is my youngest Alaskan grandson’s birthday. I usually send each grandchild (7 of them!) $25 for birthdays and Christmas. It isn’t a large amount, but enough that they can buy themselves a little something. Given the inflation we are experiencing, I probably should increase the amount. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Having an old cat, we knew it was only a matter of time before we would need to say goodbye. We had planned to send our furball off to Rainbow Bridge last Fall, but we couldn’t go through with it when the appointment day(s) came. We made two such appointments. Hubs even dug the hole. This morning I made the third call and set the appointment for the upcoming Monday. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Oh my, it has been cold here the past few days. We are talking subzero temperature, add the windchill, and brrr, is it ever frigid! We always get a massive drift right in front of our garage with the high winds. To get my car out of the garage and pick up Hubs, I had to break apart the hard drifted snow and then shovel! Given how cold it was, I did just enough to get out, hence not starting the snowblower. Hubs later cleared the remainder but waited until the winds subsided. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
As much as I didn’t want to go, I went to the city to do a tiny bit of shopping. My primary reason was to pick up two prescriptions that I couldn’t get via mail order. Since I would be driving past the thrift store, I dropped off all the items I had gathered before starting my Too Much Stuff challenge, along with the three things I’ve since added. [Read more…]