Weather, work, a sick dog and a trip to the repair shop with the car- this pretty much sums up my life this past week! [Read more…]
Navigating life and finances
By: Lucy10 Comments
Weather, work, a sick dog and a trip to the repair shop with the car- this pretty much sums up my life this past week! [Read more…]
By: Lucy14 Comments
Our road
I’ll try not to make this entire post about our weather, but be forewarned, I’m feeling a rant coming on! [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
Getting an extra key made has been on the list for the 3+ years we’ve owned this car. The need became an urgent one on Friday when I lost the only set we had. Leave it to me to do something dumb when we can least afford it. It happens — no sense in beating myself up. I’m not the only one who has ever lost something important. [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Storm clouds across the lake.
The winter storm is coming. According to the forecast, the snow is supposed to start within a few hours. Looking at the sky and feeling the heavy dampness in the air, I don’t think it is a bunch of hype. Schools are closing early. The kids have had a lot of snow days, which is why I think they had them go in, even if for only half a day. Work also told me to stay home. Although we could use the money, I was relieved. I had planned on stopping at the store, but I’ll be okay with what I have on hand. Saved me some money right there! [Read more…]
By: Lucy16 Comments
Yikes. Here it is February 6, and I have yet to give an update. Being without internet for the past two days didn’t help, but I also know that for accountability I should have posted something before today. Anyhow, here are our current stats: [Read more…]
By: Lucy14 Comments
Here it is. $6,300 later, we now have a brand new furnace. The installation was done on Monday and took the entire day. Given the age of our old unit, there were several other things (piping, valves, venting, etc.) that also had to be replaced. We ended up needing the installer to come back today as our smoke detectors kept going off last night and the furnace sounded overly loud. The excessive noise turned out to be a faulty exhaust fan, which was also part of the reason a nearby smoke detector was triggered. Four hours later, everything looks to be running as it should. Spending this amount of money is the last thing I wanted to do, but where we live, a working furnace is a must. [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
Murphy strikes again. Ugh. Today my car wouldn’t start. Great, just peachy. I guess Murphy didn’t get the memo that we won’t quit. Hmm. Given that our temperature was negative 27, perhaps it is Mother Nature who deserves the stink eye. [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
A few short years ago, a $6,300 furnace fiasco would have left me wanting to bury my head even deeper into the sand. How do I know this? Flashback to January 1, 2017, when we started our journey to dig out of $55,749.69 worth of debt. That nasty number didn’t reach that level with proactive, positive behavior. It came from years of denial, and most of all, not having a plan in place to do something about it. While this week’s visit from Murphy was unwelcome, ours was the wrong door on which to knock. A financial setback won’t make us quit! [Read more…]
By: Lucy18 Comments
What to do, what to do? Good question when faced with either $2,500 repair on a 30-year-old furnace or a replacement cost of $6,300. For those who may have missed part one, you can read about it here. [Read more…]
By: Lucy8 Comments
Oh, what a crappy, crappy, crappy week it has been. As the saying goes, things tend to come in threes and this week has most certainly reinforced it. [Read more…]