Since I’m on a roll with writing about my trip to divide up my dad’s lifetime, I figure I may as well keep on going. If you missed it, HERE is part one. [Read more…]
Navigating life and finances
By: Lucy8 Comments
Since I’m on a roll with writing about my trip to divide up my dad’s lifetime, I figure I may as well keep on going. If you missed it, HERE is part one. [Read more…]
By: Lucy8 Comments
The dreaded weekend of emptying my father’s condo is over, or at least it is for me. Everyone has until the end of this next weekend to remove their items and then whatever remains will be picked up by a local charity. Aside from dealing with my drama queen sister (more on that later), there is a lot of emotions when it comes to dividing up a lifetime. [Read more…]
By: Lucy6 Comments
Guess who didn’t make it home yesterday? Hubs. Guess who is still home? Me. So much for making plans. Unfortunately, Mother Nature had her own ideas, which included a nasty storm. I could see on the airline tracking that Hub’s flight was within 15 minutes of landing. Then just like that, it showed as being redirected. And so were my plans. [Read more…]
By: Lucy10 Comments
Today I felt like I was taking a lot of baby steps to get through the day. I know I can’t continue to mope about our lost dog. Doing so doesn’t change the situation. At this point, I need to remind myself of the good times we had with him, and give his brother extra love. The poor dog woke up with a nightmare last night, so I know he is grieving too. [Read more…]
By: Lucy18 Comments
Very sadly, our boy has not returned home. I’ve shed a fountain of tears. We will likely never know what happened to him, and I can only pray that he didn’t suffer. Initially, I was going to write a longer post about this loss, but I realize I just can’t. Right now the pain is too raw. Our other dog (and the sicklier of the two) is thankfully handling it surprisingly well. Oh, if only he could talk and tell us where his brother went.
Anyhow, I just wanted to pop in and let you all know how much I appreciate your kinds words and prayers. Losing a pet is never easy, no matter what the circumstances.
Here is one of the last pictures I took of him. He had been having trouble getting on the couch, so I made up a makeshift cushion for him on the floor. The picture is a bit grainy as it was just meant to be a quick snapshot to send to the Hubs. Rest in Peace, Old Boy. We will never forget you.
By: Lucy18 Comments
Sadly, one of our dogs took off this morning and has not returned. Out of our two dogs, this one is the one who tends to stick closer to the house. We had a light dusting of snow, and I tried my best to follow the tracks I could find. I also drove up and down our road multiple times in hopes of finding him. Last night Hubs and I had been discussing putting the dogs down once the ground was thawed enough for burial. In spite of having a doggie door, their incontinence had been increasing. I know, gross. I would have much preferred to have put him down rather than not know of his last moments. But, perhaps indirectly, this is easier on Hubs as he was having a tough time with the situation. Meanwhile, although I had other plans for today, I’m staying home in hopes that he does return.
With my mind being so much on our missing dog, I feel very unfocused today. I’ll update if he returns.
By: Lucy10 Comments
Can I get the lodge room? Haha
Before I start on today’s post, I want to apologize for the legit comments that I didn’t catch in my spam. What was especially odd is that one comment was from a long-time commenter. I haven’t changed any settings, so hard telling how that happened. [Read more…]
By: Lucy8 Comments
Good news! I found the keys I lost back in February! Woohoo! As I have done countless times, last evening I walked our driveway in hopes of finding them and yesterday was the day. Interestingly, they were not where I expected to locate them. My best guess was that they were off in the woods someplace. On the fateful day that I lost them, I remember picking up and tossing small branches as I made my way up to my car. And that is what I thought happened with the keys. So just where were they? They were on the side of the driveway not too far from where I was parked. And other good news is that the key fob still works. [Read more…]
By: Lucy10 Comments
101.7 I’m sick.
A 24-hour flu-like bug put a stop to my plans yesterday. I had intended to spend the entire day working on my business, but sickness kept me home the whole day. In all likelihood, I probably picked it up from work as two of their family members had the same thing. Since I’m feeling better today (no temp or vomiting), I am going to work. Plus, I always get paid on Saturdays. The highlight of my week. Lol [Read more…]
By: Lucy6 Comments
Guess what I found yesterday? Keep reading, and I’ll let you know! [Read more…]