Hubs came home for ten days, so I didn’t get much time behind my computer. Thanks to those of you who checked in on me. I’m still trying to catch up but wanted to give a quick update as to how we did in May. [Read more…]
Navigating life and finances
By: Lucy8 Comments
Hubs came home for ten days, so I didn’t get much time behind my computer. Thanks to those of you who checked in on me. I’m still trying to catch up but wanted to give a quick update as to how we did in May. [Read more…]
By: Lucy14 Comments
We are at the end of the month, so I feel that I should give an official update. For those who have been following along, you already know we paid off the remaining $2,500 owed to Citi. So not to confuse, $2,500 was our starting balance for April. For good measure, I checked to make sure our final payment posted. Balance is a zero. What a beautiful thing! So how about the rest? [Read more…]
By: Lucy10 Comments
First of all, I want to wish everyone a Happy Easter. With the Hubs away, mine was very quiet. No complaints. I prefer it that way ~ well, the quiet part that is, not the Hubs being away part! [Read more…]
By: Lucy4 Comments
Our homeowner’s insurance adjuster has come and gone. He snapped a couple of pictures and said he couldn’t do much else until the snow is gone. No real surprise there. I have his business card and will call him in a few months. The next time he comes out, I’d like Hubs to be home. My impression of the adjuster is that he might give us some grief with the claim. I’m hoping I’m wrong. [Read more…]
By: Lucy16 Comments
Yikes. Here it is February 6, and I have yet to give an update. Being without internet for the past two days didn’t help, but I also know that for accountability I should have posted something before today. Anyhow, here are our current stats: [Read more…]
By: Lucy8 Comments
Time sure seems to go by fast these days. It feels like I just did an update not too long ago. Being down to only two debts (not including our house) it doesn’t seem like all that much is changing. But hey, the total is going down and that is the focus, so no complaints here! Without further ado, here is where we currently stand. [Read more…]
By: Lucy16 Comments
As tends to be my norm lately, I am late with giving an update. With only two debt remaining in our snowball, there isn’t a lot going on. I must say that it feels strange being down to just these two debts. I have looked at my budget binder countless times making sure I haven’t missed a payment somewhere. No complaints. I’ll gladly take this new strange feeling! [Read more…]
By: Lucy14 Comments
Oh my, what a month it has been! October saw our biggest dent in debt since we started on this journey. Deciding to sell our travel trailer (painful as it was to see it go) was a smart move. I have no regrets, especially considering how much debt we were able to pay off in doing so. I am pleased to say we have even been able to throw a snowball at Citi, which is next in line to be eliminated. Exciting stuff! Here is how we did and how much we have remaining: [Read more…]
By: Lucy12 Comments
Wow. What a month it has been! The biggie, of course, being that The Beast (aka Discover) was PAID OFF IN FULL and the car being ever so close! The $3,500 finally cleared and is reflected in the balance. I have scheduled yet another payment towards it, this time using our regular bank. The funds came from my job taking care of the baby, $50 from M-Turks and a little from the “comfort zone” of our checking account. I’ll be receiving another check on the weekend plus we are still waiting on the refund from our insurance company for the canceled policy. Now to the good part. The following is where we now stand. As always, I like to give a brief overview of our numbers. [Read more…]
By: Lucy16 Comments
We did it! Discover (aka The Beast) is meeting its demise. Just yesterday, I picked up the check from the sale of our travel trailer. I wasted no time bringing it to our local credit union and was shocked when they were able to clear the funds without any wait time. I had figured there would be at least 10-day delay. The teller did need to place a call to the bank the check was drawn on, and then told me I could use the funds immediately. So, after I got back home, I went online, scheduled two payments and hit submit! One will kill off The Beast, and the other $3,500 will significantly reduce what we owe on our car. With Monday being a holiday, those accounts should be receiving their funds on Tuesday/Wednesday. You know I’ll anxiously be checking to see the impact! [Read more…]