I am back from my trip! Had a great time, but it is always good to get back home. I was gone a total of five nights, although it felt like much longer than that. I’m guessing this is because I hadn’t gone anywhere overnight for well over a year. Three of the nights were in hotels, and the other two were on a couch at my brother’s lake house. I won’t bore you all the details (or at least not in this post), but I spent time with my new grandbaby, my son along with his wife, two siblings along with their spouses and kids, and of course, my elderly father.
After getting home late Wednesday, it was back to work for me on Thursday. I worked yesterday as well. Today would be my usual day to take care of the baby, but the family is out of town. As much as we could use the money, I was kind of glad to have a couple of days off to catch up. Hubs will be flying out again on Monday, which is another reason I’m thankful for not having to work today.
With all the hecticness of my trip and everything that goes along with being away, I wasn’t able to do an end of the month report. As for the numbers, our debt is now at $29,972.85. We started June at $32,786.43, so this was quite a drop! To keep this post from getting crazy long, I’ll write a more detailed post later next week. July and likely August, won’t be near as stellar as we have two hefty unexpected expenses coming our way to the tune of close to $6K. Ouch.
The first expense is more of the preventative nature. A few weeks ago, an area not too far from us experienced some major flooding. Many people suffered significant damage to their homes, which is not covered by homeowners insurance. I happened upon a post made in one of my Dave Ramsey groups from someone in the area. She said that thanks to Dave’s teaching, she had additional coverage which will pay for the damage her house sustained. Her experience had me placing a call to my insurance agent.
While we have $5,000 in place for sump pump failure (max available), that would be useless in a flooding situation. Flood insurance is what is needed. Although we live on a lake, we are not in a flood zone. Given our elevation, I have zero concerns about that causing us to flood. What concerns me, however, is the hill above our house. Our house sits midway down, and if we were to see the heavy rains that the neighboring community experienced, I could see a mudslide/flood happen in our basement. As it is, the basement wall on that side of the house at one point needed reinforcement. Was it because of pressure from heavy rainfall or poor building? We don’t know. All we know is there is a now a double wall in that part of the basement.
Getting flood insurance is not as easy as it sounds. Fortunately, our community does participate in the National Flood Insurance Program, making us eligible to purchase it. Cost varies (zoning, windows, foundation, etc.) with our quote coming in at $499/year. We did decide to get this in place. I realize one can over-insure, but you will understand more after I tell you about our driveway.
Living midway down a hill, part of our driveway is also very steep. In the three years we have been here we have lost gravel with every heavy rainfall. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times Hubs and I have raked and shoveled the driveway to make it passable after these rains. The last rain washed out close to a foot deep gully alongside the edge. No amount of raking or shoveling could fix that. Our first thought was to add more gravel, but in reality, all this would be is a band-aid fix. We’ve learned via the grapevine that this is the approach the former owner used. While hauling in more gravel might be cheaper at first, in the long-run, it ends up being more expensive. Time to put the shovels and rakes away and fix it once and for all.
The cost associated with fixing the driveway is $5,300. The repair includes gravel, recycled asphalt, three culverts, ditching, trucking, labor, 200 feet of geotextile fabric, and riprap. Hubs was surprised the estimate wasn’t higher. He expected more in the $8K range. For the record, the company has been around for over 30 years and has an excellent reputation. The last thing we want to do is use some fly-by-night company who doesn’t know what they are doing. After all, we are talking about a lot of money here!
How are we going to pay for these additional expenses? It will be a combination of Hubs cashing out his vacation pay, and we will also borrow from our sinking funds. Our debt snowball will also be put on a temporary hold while we rebuild these funds. While I’m not happy about it, the repair is needed. The good news is the driveway will again be passable, and the flood insurance will be protecting one of our biggest assets.
Well, I feel like I’ve bored you enough for one day. For those of you who don’t blog, I hope all is good in your world. For those of you who do blog, I have been reading bits and pieces as time has permitted-trying my best to keep up!
Flood insurance: worth it. Even if you never use it, you’ll sleep better. Driveway: totally worth it. Even if you only get gentle, misty rains from now on, the improved driveway will make the house easier to sell in case you ever have to move.
PRISCILLA recently posted…Third Quarter 2018 Goals!
I agree. I hate to spend the money, but without a doubt, this is a need and not a want.
I think you are doing what is best on both issues. Hope you never need the flood insurance but it is better to have it. We are currently saving up to redo our driveway too. It will be starting in September. Glad you got to see your family especially your grand baby.
Thanks, Marybeth. I hope we never need it either but feel much better having the insurance in place if we ever do need it. I bet you’ll be glad to get your driveway redone, too.
Home ownership is a mixed bag – great until something happens and you don’t have a landlord to call 🙂 Dh is, right this second, trying to fix one of our kitchen cabinets that doesn’t seem to want to close……this got us dreaming about remodeling the kitchen…..not going to happen until we get this debt paid off!!!
So glad you got to spend time with family and the new grand baby – nothing is better than that!!!!
Isn’t it though? Still, I feel extremely blessed to be able to afford a home. Keep dreaming about that kitchen. Kick your debt to the curb and you’ll make it happen!
Hi Lucy. First of all way to go, breaking into the 20s. You are really knocking that total down! Excited for you! Also congrats on the grandbaby. Totally get you on the insurance thing and the driveway. Peace of mind is worth it. June was a big month for us. Our oldest daughter got married. Glad that we had put some money aside for some expenses and a nice gift for them. It was a spendy month and a great time with family and friends. All that said, we only went $300 over what we had saved and set aside. I am proud of my daughter and her husband. They saved and paid for the majority of their wedding all on their own, so their generous gifts made for a nice little nest egg/buffer for them. Hoping they make wise choices. Once again, great job and I hope you have a wonderful weekend with hubby before he heads off again.
Thank you! It is exciting to have reached this milestone. Congrats on your daughter’s marriage! Good job not blowing the budget. So easy to do, especially with weddings!
We closed on our house Thursday and already Chris is in the “ we should do this stage” and we haven’t even moved in yet. I’m holding him off in getting central air ( it’s July and I’m pretty sure I can get through 6 weeks with fans and the wall units that are there) it can wait until the spring. With all his pain I would rather he get a hot tub. I’m also using the mindset for myself that everything we currently have works fine for us now and it’ll work fine for us in the new house.
How exciting! So fun to think about how you will make it your own. Just remember to save and always pay cash! I’m happy for you!
Sounds like both expenses are very smart ones! Glad you had a good trip. I’m sure you enjoyed that grandbaby!
OneFamily recently posted…Lots to do
Meeting my grandson was awesome! Babies are so much fun!
OMG!! You are in the 20s, way to go! You have made amazing progress!
Thanks! It feels great to see this progress!
Yeah! flood insurance i mean home insurance before flooding is always best for you and for your family. You are here because you did flood insurance on time.
Thanks for this info.
Remodel your home to make it more beautiful and also sought after in the market when you plan to sell it.