Hubs has come and gone. I picked him up on Sunday. His rig was having some major issues (like always), so he dropped it off at the dealership near the city. I sure am thankful we aren’t responsible for all the repair bills.
Although I had just been to the grocery store on Thursday, we decided to stop for fresh fruit and veggies. $64.13 later, we had that and then some. Hubs likes FairLife milk, and they had that for a reasonable price, so we bought four cartons. It is pricey milk but healthier. I purchased several “loss leaders” and am happy to say that no junk food found its way into our shopping cart.
Once home, Hubs worked on our snowblower. As I had figured, the auger had frozen. Hubs showed me what to do should it happen again when he is away. We spent a couple of hours clearing snow. Oh, these snow piles sure are getting high!
Yesterday I was busy catching up on laundry and doing extra meal prep. We usually meet with friends for our weekly Bible study, but that got canceled. With Hub’s truck still in the shop, we didn’t go anywhere. Later in the evening, we binge-watched Outgrown on HGTV. We have commercial-free Discovery Plus, and I will say it has been a good value.
This morning, Hubs called the dealership for an update on his rig. They said given all the issues they found; it would be several days before it was repaired. Not good. Hubs called his boss. His boss arranged for him to get a rental car, and Hubs would then need to clean out his broken down “piece of garbage” (as he calls it) and pick up a different truck. He is still not getting a new truck. Two words. Chip shortage.
Anyhow, we had to go to the airport to get the rental car and then drive to the dealership for Hubs to empty his rig. A lot of his stuff I took home with me. For truckers, getting a different rig is similar to moving into another house. Unless brand spanking new, you want to clean whatever rig they move you into. Hubs does always insist on getting a new mattress. He also brings Lysol and cleaning products. How long he will be in this other rig is hard to say. Oh, and that mouse that took up residency in the truck is likely still there. We were careful to shake everything out before putting it into the rental car or our car. What an ordeal!
Hubs has already stopped for the night. The rental car is a Chevrolet Spark which is horrible for driving in snowy conditions. It is also horrible for a tall person to drive! I think Hubs will have a few words to say to his boss regarding this rental! He also said the color was challenging his manhood and was embarrassing.
I’m sure Hubs will survive. Thankfully he will only have this car for a day.
We did hear back from our attorney regarding MIL’s estate. More on that tomorrow. Too much for my head tonight.
I do want to take a moment a give a shoutout to my friend over at OneFamilyOneIncome. She started a new blog, RememberingForMom, that discusses her journey dealing with her mother’s dementia. I think it will be a fantastic resource for anyone in a similar caregiver situation or for those of you who might want to learn more about the disease. My father also had dementia (although his was a rapidly progressive form), and it was painful to watch and came with more challenges than I care to remember. Go over and show OneFamily some support! 🙂
Thanks for the link share! Your dh’s truck sure does sound like a piece of garbage. I hope he gets something better to drive now. I never thought about the switching and having to clean it out and go into something some other driver already lived in. Lots of cleaning!
OneFamily recently posted…It snowed
You’re welcome! Hubs doesn’t have a lot of hope for this other truck. Supposedly, it has over 800K miles on it. These trucks become almost like a micro-studio (minus a bathroom), so lots of stuff!
Now why would his boss arrange THAT car – I hope it was really all that was available. I once got a car and the colour was pretty gross – like a fleshy type pink/orange and I refused to drive it LOL.
Good question! Not renting him a car with AWD or 4WD backfired as Hubs had no choice but to stop driving and get a hotel. The area he stopped got something like 8 inches of snow. No way could that glorified golf cart make it through that amount of snow. You’ve got to wonder about these auto manufacturers and who come up with the colors. Pink/orange sounds equally as bad as the car Hubs got.