Because we don’t have $20,000 or even $2,000!
I am often amused shocked at what some interior designers consider to be average costs of decorating. According to Laurel over at Laurel Home, you cannot update a living room for $2,000 bucks. Her post goes on to show an update she did for a client costing over $20,000! Wow, what a bargain. No disrespect, but even if it were my taste, there is no way our budget could handle that kind of a price tag! Then there is Lorri, over at Lorri Dyner, who seems a tad more in touch, at least when it comes to the cheaper end of things! She gives examples of a budget redo of $2,000 to a high-end of $33,000. I get it; furniture does cost money, but does it have to cost that much?
When my husband and I signed a purchase agreement on the house in which we now live, we knew we would want to change our look. The house we had lived in for 18 years was more of a traditional style. Our new place has a more contemporary open feel. Moving 400+ miles away seemed like the perfect time to ditch our worn 15-year-old furniture and buy new once we made our move. Can’t say that we gave any real thought to what it might end up costing, we just knew that is what we wanted to do.
Three months before we finally sold our house (we painfully sat on the market for eight long months), I happened to drive by an upscale house that had furniture for sale. The wife was remodeling, and the 2-year-old furniture “simply had to go.” Oh, the problems some people have! Now normally I would get the heebie-jeebies even considering used furniture (can we say bed bugs?), but this leather flexsteel furniture was precisely what we had in mind for our new house. A quick search on my phone showed me the identical pieces with a list price of over $4,000. Not only was this furniture in pristine condition, but the asking price was also only a 10th of the list price. After having done my research and checked it out, any potential bed bugs made a quick departure! Although my husband was less than thrilled with moving such heavy furniture (we did it together), we ended up getting both pieces for $425. I’m sure this helped us dodge a bullet of doing even more stupid and financing new furniture.
Once moved, our new-to-us furniture didn’t (gasp!) fit quite the way we had originally hoped. Then there was the carpet. Although brand new, I hated it. Fortunately, the house has minimal carpet, but what it does have is far too light for anyone with pets. Between the furniture not fitting as we had hoped and the constant need to shampoo the carpet, I have found myself wandering far too often on various interior design sites. For someone battling debt, this could potentially be hazardous to a budget.
I can’t say it was any particular site that led me to my moment of inspiration, but the past weekend, a lightbulb went off. Not only did I come up with furniture placement that works beautifully, but in doing so, it also indirectly solved the carpet issue. The new arrangement created a far better view of the lake, and it also made for a sensible placement of an area rug. Additionally, I swapped out two end tables we were storing in the basement along with two lamps. One lamp was left by the former owner and is the perfect size to have in front of the huge picture window.
As for an area rug, I did find an 8×10 size on, which after an additional coupon, came to $177 shipped. Still much cheaper than replacing the carpet, or as I would prefer, install hardwood floors. While there are still some carpeted areas that won’t be covered by the rug, they are not areas that will get much foot traffic.
I know some people would have told me just to live with the carpet the way it is and I accept the wet noodles. That $177 spent was money that could have gone to paying off debt. For me though, after 18 months of trying to come up with a solution, I don’t feel this was impulsive or spendthrifty. My old self would have probably long ago bought different furniture and replaced the flooring. My new “want to get out of debt” self-feels I have made a compromise and found an answer to what I viewed as a problem. I again absolutely love our new-to-us furniture and for that matter, the entire room! For the record, I did all the rearranging myself!
Our living room update cost only a minuscule fraction of what some designers might have deemed “necessary” to spend to achieve the desired look we wanted. Best of all, we didn’t go further into debt to complete it!
Have you done any bargain makeovers while paying off debt? While until we are debt free, this will probably be it for us, I feel we did extremely well with our update.
No pics? Would have loved to have seen the photos.
I get me some great deal at Goodwill and thrift shops.
But I do play the waiting game.
It takes time.
Good luck.
Not yet! Every five years our lake association gives out large, frameable maps, and I want to get that up on the wall first. Wish I knew the size so I could start looking for an inexpensive frame. I have found lots of good deals at thrift stores, garage sales, etc., which has helped tremendously in decorating our house on the cheap. Since moving into this house, the rug has been our biggest purchase yet. For now, picture a rustic modern lodge look! Thanks for your comment.
Miss your blogging! Let me know if you start back up again.
That’s what I was thinking – I want pics! What an awesome price for leather furniture. I would really like to at least get a leather club chair with an ottoman. So pricey. DH’s recliner is totally falling apart and we will need to replace it sooner than later. I’m not sure how a leather couch would do with two dogs that are spoiled and allowed on the couch (currently have cloth couch and throw a blanket down). I’m thinking a couch with removable cover so I can wash occasionally. and yes, I miss Cindi’s blogging too.
OneFamily recently posted…Alright Alright Alright
The leather has held up well with our two dogs. I do try and keep blankets down to help prevent damage, but the blankets often end up on the floor. Given the deal we got, I try not to stress too much about the furniture.
ok, so I just got a minute to read that blog about the $20k makeover – for ONE room. So proud of herself that it didn’t cost $100k LOL. OMG! Plus, I thought it was ugly haha.
OneFamily recently posted…Alright Alright Alright
Can you even begin to imagine spending that much on one room, let alone an entire house? I didn’t like it one bit either! It wasn’t homey at all.
Your post is perfectly timed! I’m actually in the process of redoing our dining room on the cheap. Browsing Craigslist and FB Marketplace daily for a deal. I just cannot justify the prices on a new furniture set! And if a designer quoted me $20,000 for a makeover, that better be my entire house plus a new addition lol. Sometimes I think designers/bloggers/tv stars have their heads in the sand when it comes to affordability and being relatable!
Crazy, isn’t it! These people are just out of touch with the real world. Good luck with finding some deals. I think the hunt for the deal is half the fun of decorating on the cheap!