No time for being tired when you are battling debt!
“Your labs are way off.” That was how my day began, with a call from my doctor’s office. No surprise, given how tired I’ve been feeling lately. Not only was I getting a 25% increase in my thyroid medication, but I am also going back to using the name brand drug. In an attempt to save on my prescription costs, earlier this year, I had requested switching to the generic. Thyroid meds can be tricky, and not everyone responds the same way to generics. Apparently, I am one of those who does not do well with the generic.
Since we have met our max out-of-pocket for the year, I have no clue as to how much this new prescription will cost. With name brands, our insurance only covers a 30 day supply at a time, so I’ll for sure be refilling it again before the end of the year. I much prefer a 90 day supply, but there isn’t much I can do about that. Even with added cost next year, I’ll just be happy to have more energy. Being tired was getting in the way of battling debt.
In addition to going to get my prescription, I did get a decent size shipment out for my business. If all goes well, I should have yet another one out before the end of the week. Let me share a little more about what I do.
As I’ve mentioned in the past, I am a third party seller on Amazon. In a nutshell, it means buying items at a lower price and then turning around and reselling them at a higher price. You can read more about what this business entails HERE. I have been a reseller now for almost two years, and honestly, I love this business! It is also a business you can get into without any specialized training, although I do recommend going the training route. While there is tons of free info out there, sorting it out and understanding it all can be enough to make your head spin. That is precisely why when I started I opted for training that would hold my hand while I learned the ropes!
Time to do a little M-Turks. I also have my Swagbuck videos running on an old tablet. I cashed out for a $25 Walmart gift card via Swagbucks earlier today. Ah, the little things in life, but they do all add up! Hubs likes to refer to all these activities as my multiple streams of income. Lol Once my energy returns to normal, watch out debt. I’ll again be back to beating it down with a vengeance!
Glad you were able to figure out what was wrong and adjust the medication. Your Amazon business sounds interesting. Do you have to go out and look for/buy the items you resell or do you just order them, if they are a price you can sell them at a profit? Do you still to a certain item or just whatever you find?
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I’ve done both retail arbitrage and online arbitrage. Lately, I am doing far more online. We live in such a remote area which made buying items in stores challenging. There are several apps that will let you know how profitable an item will be, which does help take out some of the guesswork. I sell whatever I am authorized to sell that will make a profit. One of my biggest hurdles was realizing that not everyone is frugal. It is crazy what people will pay just to get a certain item.