My most boring post ever!
Can you believe it? Boring is the word my Hubs described yesterday’s post! Yes, Hubs does read my blog. He even told me it is the highlight of his day. Well, until yesterday that was! Pretty sad right there! But to hear him say it was boring?! Seriously? Call me crazy, but I love getting down to the nitty-gritty of the numbers. Sorry to disappoint you, Hubs, but the numbers are a big part of what I like to write about!
Yes, you read that right! I love, love, love the numbers part of the world of personal finance. So much, in fact, that I have been actively searching out others who do disclose MORE of what they are facing, be it debt or saving! What I am finding out is that there are a lot more bloggers who are willing to discuss their net worth than there are bloggers wanting to write about how much they suck at finances. But the ones who have done stupid (I’m not judging as I have, too!) are the writers I really like to zero in on as I want to hear how they are turning things around.
I know the drill…you should hang around the people you want to be like. I get that, I genuinely do. But I also find it incredibly encouraging to read about how others are conquering their debt! Right there that means I need to find others who are winning their war on debt. Yes, I need to be in both camps! Hey, this is my blog, and I’ll justify it any way I feel is necessary and I believe learning from others is a good thing!
So, what about those boooring numbers then and just why am I crazy enough to love writing about them?
First of all, it keeps me human! Trust me, while I may fall into the crazy camp at times, in the midst of it all, the one thing I am is human! While I may hide behind my blog, the numbers and everything else I write about is real.
Secondly, it helps keep me accountable. That right there is a biggie! Even though my best intentions don’t always go as planned, I also know I’ll need to come right back here and write about what worked and what didn’t. Trust me; blogging often requires having broad shoulders, especially when it comes to comments. It’s all good though, there are times I need and deserve those wet noodles! Thankfully, other than on a few comments I’ve received regarding comments I’ve made on other blogs, I’ve been treated kindly. Hmm, I hope that one made sense!
Thirdly, I want others who are also digging their way out of financial messes to know that they are not alone. This might be my biggest reason yet for wanting to disclose more of our numbers. Despite the lack of bloggers sharing the painful and often shameful nitty-gritty of all their debt, I know for a fact there are a lot of us out here. The good thing, however, is that in spite of the grimness of it all, our stories do not need to end here. And that is where I want those boring numbers to offer hope.
If you happen to be one of those lurkers yet to come clean about your debt, I urge you to consider doing so. Think of it as your first step of taking control of your finances. If you’re not sure where or how to start, go check out blogger. It is free and super easy to use. It is actually where I originally started blogging about my journey. A very good place to test the waters!
Getting back to my boring post…Will I continue writing more of these? Yes, I most certainly will! Perhaps when doing so, I should add some type of heads up. Nah, probably wouldn’t be a good thing as it could potentially eliminate a lot more readers. I sincerely appreciate those of you taking your precious time to read and comment on my posts…even the boring ones!
Now for the million dollar question all bloggers seem to want to know. What do you want to read more about? Do you enjoy the numbers as much as I do or would you find it more interesting to hear about how many times I let our dogs in and out or how many cars I passed on my way to work or….??? And sorry, Hubs, I’m not asking for your opinion as I know you’ll still read my blog no matter what I choose to write about! 🙂
With all due respect to your husband, I liked yesterday’s “boring” post. I like reading about numbers. (Here’s a come clean moment for you: we have 10k left in student loan debt, and we’re closing fast on retirement age, yikes. We have a goal of paying it off in 2018.) I also like reading about clever and frugal ideas for household repairs, gift-giving, taking care of animals . . . you know, every day living. How do other people pinch a penny?
When it comes to commenting on today’s post, I probably should have added a disclaimer not to worry about stepping on Hub’s toes. No worries. His steel-toed boots can handle them! Good for you for coming clean about your student loan debt. I’ll be cheering you on as you pay it off! I enjoy reading frugal living posts, too. I notice a lot of contentment with those who make an effort to watch their pennies.
Love the numbers, keep them coming! I agree and enjoy reading blogs that walk both sides. Thanks for sharing!
Yay for someone else loving numbers! I will definitely keep them coming!
Boring?! is he nuts? (wink wink). I liked that post and seeing how you “work” the numbers into your get out of debt plan. That’s all part of it. But then again, I’m a numbers girl, too. Life makes more sense broken down into dollars, haha!
OneFamily recently posted…Vet visit
Anyone who doesn’t like numbers is nuts in my book! Haha! Perhaps I really should have been an accountant rather than a nurse. Lol
Hey I think it is great your husbands reads your blog, I can’t let mine as I complain about him too much and even though I am the spender he is the lazy non earner. I can’t blame him for our debt problems but her certainly contributed with his less than stellar effort to support a family. I like # posts. I like to read about ow people get out of debt. I need all the help I can get.
All in all, I’m blessed with my hubby. If I were smart, though, I blog about how much work I do. Trouble is, he’d know better! Lol I’ll continue to share my numbers. You are in a way better position (despite your lazy non-earner!) for getting out of debt. As I always say, we can do this!
I agree! Not boring and very enlightening. I love numbers posts.
I’ll keep them coming! For sure at the end of the month after a few more payments post, I want to do another update as to exactly where we stand.
Boring blogs? I am all about boring so much so I named it what it is. Who would have thunk that!? lolz
I say boring is good. Most excitement is because something bad happens.
Sluggy recently posted…End of Year Food Spending Chatter
Hubs should take note of this! Lol You are so right! Boring can indeed be a good thing!
I think it is sometimes good to get it all down and mulled over. Besides, I am quite sure all your numbers inspire others and give others hope. Hey, I admit to going to food banks. So, what does that tell you about my numbers? I am going to step on his steel toed boots and tell him we like your blog and numbers.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…Cost of Thanksgiving the Year You Were Born + Getting Ready
No shame in doing what you need to do. That is why help is available! You go right ahead and step on his boots. Might do him some good! Lol