The power of encouragement!
Today is Monday, and for many, a dreaded day of the week. Although my seasonal position has me pretty much working every day, Monday is still Monday. My day started out in its usual fashion. 3 AM the cat and dogs want/need to go outside. The cat stays out; the dogs come back in. 5 AM the cat is now meowing at the door, which not only wakes me but also wakes the dogs, who then think they should again go outside. 6:50 AM the process repeats itself, except this time I head for the coffee pot and my day begins.
As I do on most days, I take a brief moment to ponder what it will be like to get more than 2 hours of uninterrupted sleep. I distinctly remember pondering the very same thing when my kiddos were babies. With those baby days long in the past and now with a 12-year-old cat and 14-year-old dogs, is uninterrupted sleep in my not-too-distant future? Time will tell! Meanwhile, I am ever so thankful for my good friend, Mr. Coffee, to helps me get through the day.
My day continued in its usual fashion with me moving on in thought to the work week ahead. Still far too early (or perhaps not yet enough coffee) to give much thought to the mountain of paperwork on my desk, I move on to something more pleasant…Blogs!
Yes, blogs! It is no secret that I love reading blogs. For me, they are much like a personal diary made public. I not only often learn a lot, but also feel inspired by others. Many are real page turners (err, scrollers) that I can’t put down. The comments made on blogs are of equal interest to me. Today, however, it was in the comments I found on my own blog here at A Dime at a Time, that my Monday quickly became a Friday!
A huge THANK YOU goes out to those who take the time to comment and offer words of encouragement. I greatly appreciate you cheering me on as I plug away at digging out of debt. Another yet equally huge THANK YOU goes out to Finding Wealth for being included in his post about 9 up-and-coming finance and investing blogs. I feel honored to have made the list. I have also gained many new bloggers to follow!
Finding Wealth made an excellent point leading up to the list of bloggers when he said:
“If building wealth was easy or quick, everyone would do it, but instead, most of us walk the journey alone.
Our family and friends don’t really understand us. They don’t get why our eyes light up when talking about business, personal finance, or frugality.
We understand how important it is to have a solid financial foundation to support us, but the road to financial independence can be a lonely one.
So lonely, in fact, that we might get burned out and discouraged from time to time.”
I feel this is also where we can be someone’s Friday by taking the time to offer some encouragement. Many of us do feel alone in this journey. It is amazing how much finding a positive comment can indeed change the day!
Today I want to encourage everyone to take a moment to leave a few kind words on whatever blog you might be reading. It takes so little time but can make all the difference in the world for the recipient. Remember…we all have the opportunity to be someone’s Friday!
I LOVE Blogs and read them daily …sometimes I wait until the end of the day as a reward for making it through the mountain of paperwork. Sometimes I read the in the AM then check back to see if my favorites have posted a 2nd time later in the day (Ahem). Sometime I put it of as long as possible just to savor them….
Bloggers can be sneaky that way! Lol. I appreciate the bloggers who maintain a schedule, which is something I have yet to do. I write when the spirit moves me!
I know how discouraging it is to post and have 500 or 1000 people read and not one person comments! So, when I read a blog, I usually comment.
It is always good to get some feedback! Thanks for taking the time to comment!
Your’s is one of my favorite blogs! Wouldn’t it be nice to get uninterrupted sleep? LOL. When we had our cat (he lived 16 years) he would wait until DH went to bed and fell asleep and then meow at me to go out. Our two dogs never wake up, so that is nice. Now it’s just DH waking me up, to go to bed, to get up and get a drink of water or go to the bathroom. Always something……..
OneFamily recently posted…This and That Tuesday
Aw, thanks! I am beginning to wonder if there really is such a thing as uninterrupted sleep!
I love all your blogs and I guess from a non blogger standpoint I think that I have nothing to contribute so I don’t comment, but I have all 3 of your blogs bookmarked and savor each of them.
A non-blogger still has immense value! Your comments are every bit as important as an actual post!