The kiddo’s mom received the all-clear from her job, so that means I get to go back to work, too! I’ve missed the little stinker! Aside from that, I’m also glad that no one became sick with the virus.
I have managed to keep plenty busy, mostly in the yard. We have an area above a rock wall that was near impossible to mow, so I decided to remove the sod. A few weeks earlier, I removed sod from the lower level. Mowing wasn’t so much of an issue there; it was more of a matter that I’m lousy at trimming! Initially, I started removing just a narrow strip of sod but then decided the slope was still too much of a challenge, so I took out more. When all was said and done, the upper level ended up being closer to three feet.
I ran short on both mulch and plants, so unless I find a mega-deal, I won’t be doing much more in this area of the yard until next year. Earlier this Summer, I added the rock steps twice. Yep, twice. That was my own doing because I wasn’t happy with the way they first looked, so I redid them. It is backbreaking work, but also very rewarding. And now, with the hill evened out a bit, it is easier to mow that area.
The interior of Hub’s truck also got a much needed thorough cleaning. We had a couple of rainy days that I used for doing some additional cleaning in the house. All in all, it was a productive week…just minus the paycheck!
Thats good news you are back to work and everyone is healthy. The rockery and steps look like a lot of work! Very nice 🙂
I’m happy about being back, too. More importantly, that everyone remained healthy. Still have a lot more work to do on the rockery, but I think the changes I made gives it a much “cleaner” look.
Good Job — looks nice!