When it comes to saving money, packing your lunch seems to be one of the most listed items. When (as in the case with Hubs) you’re an over-the-road trucker, multiple this by all three meals, packing your food becomes a huge money saver! However, when driving a day cab, homemade meals are nearly impossible to do, which means eating most meals out.
When Hubs was working for a company flying him back and forth to work out on the East Coast, meals were a significant expense. Probably more so for him as he does (thankfully) opt for healthier choices. Switching jobs over a year ago meant getting a sleeper cab, complete with a fridge. All the comforts of home…well, almost! He still can stay at hotels, but hotels in the areas he now goes are few and far between. It takes a lot of extra planning, plus time loss, to make it happen.
Hub’s rig had been in for repairs, so he had been driving a day cab for the past few weeks. A royal pain for him because of the hotel situation, having limited space in the truck and needing to buy most of his meals out. (One can only eat so much tuna!) Today he even commented on the extra spending and that he was looking forward to homemade meals again! Although I’m the one who does the meal prep (no complaints), it sure saves us a lot of money.
Hubs is only home for a day this week as he wants to get his 6th day in. As I’ve mentioned before, working six days for the week gives him $500 in bonus pay over his regular wages. Since he is doing the work, I’ll continue leaving it entirely up to him if he opts to do this. We are still setting aside $100 for Hubs whenever he works the extra day. Our household finances benefit, and I think Hubs should personally benefit from his additional work as well. He has yet to spend a dime of his “extra” money, but I’m guessing when he does, it will be spent on something for his new workshop.
Time for me to prep some more meals!
My son has a job that puts him regularly out of town. He tries to reserve his meal allowance and eat healthier by utilizing veggies, rice, and proteins he can combine into bowls in a microwave. He gets tired of restaurant unless the high end ones.
Smart and much healthier! Even when Hubs is home, we seldom go out to eat. Like your son, he gets tired of restaurants.