Today I felt like I was taking a lot of baby steps to get through the day. I know I can’t continue to mope about our lost dog. Doing so doesn’t change the situation. At this point, I need to remind myself of the good times we had with him, and give his brother extra love. The poor dog woke up with a nightmare last night, so I know he is grieving too.
While I didn’t quite feel like going full force with life (hence taking baby steps), I made myself get at least a few things accomplished. I finally got another shipment sent out for my business. The thing about selling on Amazon is that to make money; you need to keep feeding the beast. Inventory sitting in your house doesn’t earn you any money. I ended up with a total of four boxes of items, going to three different warehouses. I made use of a UPS dropoff site 20 miles from us as I didn’t feel up to going all the way to town.
Another thing I did was stop at the small grocery store that is in the same complex as the UPS dropoff site. While the store is more expensive for most groceries, I do like their meat department. I want to make use of my crockpot over the next couple of days and have some meals prepared for Hubs while I’m away. As for the rest of what I need, I’ll make a trip to town after work on Wednesday. Hopefully, my mind will also be a bit clearer by then.
On the debt homefront, our Citi debt received another $300 today. The new balance is now $1,200. We are making progress!
This week will be a shorter work week as I’m only working three days. Next week will be the same as I am taking an extra day off to take care of family matters. Speaking with my brother yesterday, he is glad I’m coming to help out. Aside from the drama with one of my sisters, there also seems to be a bit of foot-dragging when it comes to getting dad’s condo cleaned out. My brother and I are both hoping that with my visit we can wrap things up. The entire process has taken far too long.
As for the rest of my day, I plan on vegging out in front of the TV. For the most part, I rarely have it on, but right now it is a good diversion for my mind. From past pet losses, I know time does help numb the pain. Each passing day will get a little easier.
Some days all we can do is just keep going….baby steps and just breathing are fine.
Thanks, Sluggy. That is about how I feel.
Take care. I’m sure things will get easier with time.
Priscilla Bettis recently posted…One Sentence Reviews: My 1st Quarter 2019 Reads
Thanks, Priscilla. I sure hope so.
It will get better with time but that doesn’t make it any less emotional for us – if you need to cry, cry – it’s ok!!!!! Have a safe trip and hopefully it will be a trip with NO drama and getting lots of things accomplished!!!!!!
Thanks, Sue. We sure do get attached to our furbabies, don’t we?
Good luck. It is very hard. Pets are a family member and not knowing what happened is the worst. Praying for you.
Thanks, Marybeth. Pets really are family ~ sometimes even better than family!
Yes, do things slowly and don’t pressure yourself, time will heal and just take baby steps.
Thanks. Taking it one day at a time is about all I can do right now. The thought of him suffering breaks my heart.