Not that I really needed another reason!
How in the world does a $1,500 balance transfer (with a zero percent interest rate) go from $1,545 (including the 3% transfer fee) to $1,547.53? Well, according to the first representative I spoke with, the interest charged is for the $45 transfer fee. And so my day began.
After being on hold for over 10 minutes (I was timing it) I realized this representative was not coming back. A second call brought me to a rep I couldn’t understand at all. After my Straight Talk experience, I am beginning to feel this is a common theme. Sigh. This representative re-routed me back to the main menu where again it was the roll of the dice as to who I might get. Is it too much to ask to speak with someone who knows what they are doing and who I can understand?
Thankfully the third person I spoke with felt like a breath of fresh air. Not only was her English clear, but she immediately recognized there was a problem. No, I should not be paying additional interest. Even if there were interest on the $45 transfer fee, it certainly wouldn’t be $12.53!
The interest was credited back to my account. The rep then tells me that the issue with this charge (one page not talking to another, or something like that) would need to go to another department, but she would add notes to the account. I hope so because I most certainly am taking good notes! As a bonus of something to look forward to, this may likely happen a couple more times before they resolve the issue. Isn’t that just peachy?
If I did need yet another reason to get out of debt, today I indeed did receive one. I lost half an hour of my life attempting to straighten this mess out, and right now it is hard telling how many more times I’ll need to call.
In looking for a silver lining, I do feel there is one as I can now share this experience too. Being in debt isn’t any fun, and it is for reasons precisely like this that you don’t want to find yourself in my shoes! Would I still do the transfer? Yes, as once the issue is resolved (aren’t I optimistic?!) this will save us money in interest. For those of you also digging out of debt, remain persistent and don’t give up. While it is a battle, it is one that I am confident can be won. It is far from easy, but don’t give up!
Oh, and for the record, crackling elevator music is not my idea of entertainment!
The elevator music and the “Please continue to hold. Your call is important to us.” If I could SCREAM in this comment section, I’d do so right now.
My fingers are crossed for you in hopes that your phone call(s) really did take care of it, and you won’t have to cal customer no-service again!
Oh the things I say when I’m put on hold. Lol I’ll try to remain optimistic that this will get taken care of. Thankfully once the dust settles with all of our transfers, this cc will the first to be snowballed.
Talking to customer service people that I can’t understand is one of my biggest pet peeves! I hope you got it fixed and don’t have to ride the merry-go-round again with it on the next bill(s). I talked to one when I called Amazon……..two weeks ago……..and of course it didn’t get resolved. Hang in there – soon your debt will be gone and you won’t have to spend wasted time like this anymore.
OneFamily recently posted…Wanting to pay a bill and the waiting game
Sadly, I think good customer service is becoming more and more a thing of the past. As for Amazon, I sure expected better of them. 🙁 Sorry you haven’t succeeded in getting things resolved.
Oh , I hope you don’t have to call back again! Usually we ask for “no music hold” and get it, but then you are constantly checking your phone to see if your still connected. I have zero patience for customer service reps and will either use Chat or make DH call them. With chat at least you can print out the conversation for your records….
I didn’t know a “no music hold” was an option! Hopefully, this will be resolved but if not, I’m trying the chat option. Good idea!
No music hold? I will ask!
I am eager to hear what happens since exbf is doing a balance transfer at my insisting. He will listen to them, believe them and give up. I Won’t.
Practical Parsimony recently posted…This is Scary and Lighter Side
So far this is the only one we’ve had any problems with. If it saves money, it makes financial sense to do it. There are times, too, when you need to be persistent.