As promised, the check from our insurance company for our collapsed deck was in the mail and arrived on Saturday. What wasn’t in the envelope was the adjuster’s report that I also needed. Ugh, this after calling the rep from our insurance company. All there was was a blip stating the reason for the check. Being a weekend, I knew there wasn’t much I could do about it until today.
To double-check the instructions for getting the signoff from our mortgage company, I first gave them a quick call. Yes, they do need a full report before they can process the check on their end. The rep I spoke with at our bank put me on hold and gave our insurance company a call. She said she left a detailed message with them but that I should do a follow-up. Meanwhile, to avoid any additional delays, I was told I could send in the check as the report could be faxed over.
I can’t remember the last time I sent something overnight, but my goodness, it sure is expensive! $25.50 each way to be exact! It is because of the tracking and also to speed things along, that the bank suggests handling claims this way. From where we live, overnight tends to take a couple of days. The bank said it would also be a couple of days to process the claim on their end. So, we wait. Of course, I’m eager to receive the released check, but also so that I can pay off my Discover card. For those who might have missed the reason, you can read about that HERE. Fortunately, I don’t need to put a deposit down for the deck just yet, and even if I did, I have a $5,500 certificate tucked away in my safe.
On another topic, Hubs and I have decided that it is time to reward ourselves for how far we’ve come on our debt-free journey. Given the progress we’ve made, we decided it was time for a new throne for our upstairs bathroom. Well, I guess “we” didn’t decide, but I did! And while I am fessing up, it isn’t really a reward either. The time is right with a three-fold reason.
First of all, I’m tired of only having one functioning toilet-more so when Hubs is home, but best that I don’t go there! We shut the water off to this toilet over a year ago due to a leak. Given the age of this plumbing (the early 90s), Hubs has been hesitant to change anything out. Inevitably, when it comes to this type of stuff, one problem often morphs into several.
As for my second reason, my son-in-law is coming for a visit and is willing to take on the job! Hopefully, my daughter let him know. Lol My daughter and son-in-law are like the Chip and Joanna Gaines of the Midwest, minus the show and their money! There isn’t much they haven’t done, and the work they do is top-notch. They enjoy building/remodeling so much that they are currently looking into getting their builder’s licenses. When my son-in-law retires (officer in the military) they talk about doing this as a second career. Meanwhile, I’ll happily slip my son-in-law a gift card to Lowes (not that they are asking) for helping me out with my quest for this new throne. If any issues do arise, they will know how to handle them. Who knew that getting a new toilet could be so exciting! Haha.
My last reason is that three days after my daughter, son-in-law, and their kids arrive, my son, daughter-in-law, and their toddler are coming to stay at our house for a few days. The original plan was that they would all be here at the same time, and all would be camping at the state park three miles from our house. As it often happens in life, plans do change. Now that we will have two additional adults in the house, I definitely want two working toilets! Now to go check out what Lowes has to offer…on a budget!
My son said at Christmas “I guess you know you are an adult when you get excited to get socks for Christmas’…guess this fits – you know when you are an adult when you get excited over a toilet 🙂 We need the same thing done – can you send your son-in-law over here? I have a feeling bad things are going to happen when we do pull it up…..I’m PRAYING not but am afraid of dry rot???? Although, I don’t even know if that can be a thing since we are on a concrete slab but….with our luck….we’ll have concrete rot…..sigh.
NO WAY would I have 1 toilet with 2 men in this house – NO WAY!!!!! My next toilet, however, will have one of those automatic devices that automatically put the toilet seat down since I am SICK of taking a bath in the middle of the night….I know, I know, TMI.
Welcome to adulthood! Lol Too bad we didn’t know each other sooner. Up until a little over a year ago, my daughter and her family lived not too far from you. Dry rot is one of the things that concerns me-especially since we have hardwood flooring in that bathroom. I know, yuck. Eventually we will change it out to tile.
For now, I can only dream of having one of those automatic seats. Ah…someday! Not too much TMI. I often joke that the entire county knows when Hubs is home. Times were getting desperate. We either needed to build that man an outhouse or install a second working toilet! Lol
I tease mine that he should go out and use our pool because evidently that is a ‘THING’ now- they are having to close pools because people are peeing and pooping in them?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?????
Out here in San Francisco they actually pay people to go around picking up human feces and they make a fortune. TYPHOID is making a comeback in San Francisco because so many homeless people are defacating in the streets and then touching benches, etc. Sorry to go off on this gross subject, it just amazes me that something like this has actually happened – I mean, I don’t think typhoid has been around since midieval times and yet….
That is so disgusting! What in the heck is wrong with people? I can’t even imagine!